[Release] Nearest Postal Script

How do i get the thing to move to the bottom middle of the screen

How do i change it like its in doij rp. image_2021-02-20_012023 The colors and remove the mm/sec or sum like that. Also can someone tell me how to make it if i type to chat /postal like 530 its sets waypoint

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anybody know the x and y to combine AOP, nearest postal, street label, and cooldown together? kinda like this (adding the nearest postal as well)


I am having problem with client line 15, thanks

Could you elaborate a bit please?

it’s fixed now but it said error, but it said this nearest-postal/Client.lua line 15 wand not done properly "=’ in the F8 console, before I reinstalled the script.

Hi, so this script won’t load for me as it states that there is no fx_version but it’s in the Fxmanifest.lua. any ideas? Thanks.

What server artifacts version are you running?

EDIT: Make sure you are updated to an artifacts version that supports cerulean

on trying to start the server im getting an error “resource nearestpostal does not specify an fx_version in fxmanifest.lua” how do i fix this?

You’ll have to excuse me on this as i’m a noob. by artifact do you mean ESX? it’s esx1 i have.

No, by artifacts I mean the server version that you get from here, whether you’re running linux or windows: https://runtime.fivem.net/artifacts/fivem/

Meke sure that you have the latest version of the script from the github and that you do not have a __resource.lua file but you do have the fxmanifest.lua file in there.

Gotcha, it’s Windows 10

Ok so if you’re using windows which of these are you running your server? /artifacts/fivem/build_server_windows/master/ / FiveM Artifacts

EDIT: If you don’t know just download and use the latest recommended, 3539.

Thank man, all done now.

how change text type ?

yup I love it

Block by any chance can you help me when i try to move it it wont work

Having the same problem it wont move for me.

How do i fix i fell for it help.