[Release] Nearest Postal Script

Is there a way to have it only show when in the car?

Does someone have the map OCRP Area map with cayo perico ??

Is there an export where you can push a vector and return a postal?


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hai,nice mod…
btw is possible to change “postal point” to “original way point”?

thank :slight_smile:

[Release] Street Label for the street names
and direction

Seems that have it installed. Map shows the postal codes , but not seeing street address to right of map showing up at all. Any ideals on what i am doing wrong?

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hello, i dont understand. when I want to put it into my server I need a a __resource.lua or fxmanifest.lua and script files / folder. for me to add it, any idea how.

works perfects thanks!

How would I change the font?

i just installed this, the nearest postal showed up, but my map did not change to where it shows the postals on the map.

There’s a few missing/duplicates, 1006, 1007, 1106, to name a few, so I added/fixed them to ‘new-postals.json’
and added them to the /post tooltip in cl-commands.lua

5003 was completely missing, and I found a nice home for it (but I have no idea how to edit the map):

Also found some for sale property with no postals that could fit in the 5000’s nicely:

And some for the 6000’s:

(will keep editing as I find more, done all up before the 7000’s so far)

nice script dude

How did you get the nearest postal

where you able to find a solution for this?
I need this for a project I am working on.

Anyone know why i’m getting this error,

I have put in a new map which came with the coordinates.json already but still won’t work

Curious, but does anyone know of a way to do a command like maybe /hud or something relatable, that could HIDE the “nearest postal” at the bottom? Just like, make it toggleable?

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Any lua coders know how I could display the postal in another script?
I want to display the postals in 911 calls that are automated by AI. But not sure what export if possible I can use or what I can do to reference the postal from this script.

I did notice: exports('getPostal', function() return nearest and nearest.code or nil end) in cl.lua

and my code: local postal = exports["nearest-postal"]:getPostal()

But yet I get errors for No such export getPostal in resource nearest-postal

any ideas?

I did notice: exports('getPostal', function() return nearest and nearest.code or nil end) in cl.lua

and my code: local postal = exports["nearest-postal"]:getPostal()

But yet I get errors for No such export getPostal in resource nearest-postal

any ideas?

I also tried adding the exports to the fxmanifest of nearest-postal resource and the dependency to fxmanifest of the 911 script I am using
from nearest-postal fxmanifest

exports {

server_exports {

and from my resource fxmanifest:
dependency "nearest-postal"

Love this.

I used your script to make a /postal command only and it runns smooth af. Thank you!