[Release] mumble-voip, rp-radio

Please Help I Can Hear People In The Car And Across The RP-Radio But not face to face is there any fix?

After a while people’s mics stop working. They can still hear other people but can not be heard.

To fix they need to go into Options>Voice Settings and turn it OFF and back ON.

Has anyone come up with a fix OR workaround for this?

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Hello, verry good, but how you can add a id to mumble voip?

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Hello Howcan I do this?? thank youu image

how do you make it to where they cant use a or x on controller

Any luck about bucket/virtualworld voice please?

Hi, i’ve a problem since like 1 week this happend, i dont know what’s happening…

Same thing here.
Voice seems to be crumbled since ~1-2 weeks with the same warning.

According to some players of our server it helps to switch GTA voice off and on again. But only for a certain amount of time and not a durable solution.

Perfomance and network monitoring is fine without any peaks.

Tried multiple fivem builds to get rid of, none succeded tho

Where can I get the on screen prop radio instead of the hand-held radio? and it says I am not connected to mumble-viop in game, how do i connect it? vid if necessary

@Belum7 we have the exact same problem since 2 weeks:
Warning: UDP packets can not be received. Switching to TCP tunnel mode.
Is there any fix for it?

I dont really know seems that turn off and on voice fix it for few minutes, i’ve deleted and download fivem again same thing that turn off and on so idk…

is there any way to have currently talking from vMenu still showing?

I am having issues where when I am driving around I can hear people from maybe 5-10 miles away. Anyone know how to fix this, I have vMenu and have turned off all vMenu chat settings.

Both of you should switch it to TCP mode

Works fine for me

you mind explaining how to do that?

as far as the log messages tells, it switches to tcp itself?

Watch this video very carefully alright, watch it to the end. How to Port Forward a FiveM Server to show on the Server list/browser. - YouTube

So I have one sync enabled. I’ve done some removing and testing also. My problem is with mumble my lambda menu or simple trainer stop working with mumble. If I disable scripthook and just run mumble it works. If I enable scripthook for f1 and f4 menu my mumble will say its not connected and will not work. Anyone know a fix so that mumble and lambda menu will work? Thanks

anyone know how to make rp radio as item?

What port do i need to open on Linux? It keep saying β€˜not connected to mumble’