[Release] mumble-voip, rp-radio

Thanks for the reply! We have figured it out. Ended up being that txAdmin was overwriting the line in our server.cfg disabling onesync.

my Local VC isnt working

how did you fix this

Do you have vmenu

no i dont

where can i find the nui of the radio? i wanted to change the key binds

Activate onesync

Maybe a foolish question; but does this move players in channels on Mumble or leave them all in the base default channel and then manages who can hear who locally? Because currently I only see the former happening.

Also I do have OneSync enabled on the server, able to use rp-radio fine and hear people when in the same vehicle, but proximity doesn’t work. Have more testing to be done to confirm, its 2AM, follow up when I’ve completed.

config.lua in the respected resource

Hey man sry for my late answer, well you need to have onesync which is free for up to 32 clients.

if you are having more than 32 clients you need to have a subscription yes.

if under then no.

I mean in the menu, when you open the radio you can see the keybinds. Thats where i want to change. I have changed it to shift+leftalt. But the menu says shift f2

Ah, thats not NUI, thats a Help Display, you have to update the Radio Config and update the Name to match the Key you’ve chosen, this will then show the key in the help display.

Names; Controls

I Have the Problem some People hear nothing and then the People make a reconnect the they hear everything good its that normaly ?

Yes the help display. But thats the thing i dont find where the name is…

If you changed the binding, then you know where the config.lua is.

Update that text to match the new binding that you set as the key and it’ll display the correct key in the help text.

My gcphone dont work in calls…
I Tried to export to mumble but i dont ear anyone…

Can someone help me or send me and working gcphone?

damn im so dumb… thank you :slight_smile:

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i had one sync enabled but it still says initializing mumble when i start my server

can i please have some help on how to fully disable it?

my Local VC isnt working