[Release] mumble-voip, rp-radio

Anyone know how to set up a RegisterKeyMapping so players can have their own custom radio broadcast keybind?

Delete vVoice, Then Go To Permissions.cfg, Delete the Permissions For Voice Chat, Then Go To Trew Hud UI Config, Set The Voice UI To False

Where is vVoice?

my mumble-voip is not working anymore is someone with this problem?

I started mumple-voip and rp-radio in the server.cfg and when i enter the server and press SHIFT+F2 its not opening

you could use this

hey, i tried it, it doesnt show any circle under the ped as described in the script. no errors in command tho.

Me too bro!
I used it for months, I didn’t change anything and stopped giving

so, trying to give access to a certain radio frequency when a staff member goes onduty using [Release] Staff On Duty (Automated)
so i have it when someone does /staffduty it does
but when i actually do /staffduty it just says
SCRIPT ERROR: citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:935: No such export GivePlayerAccessToFrequency in resource rp-radio
any ideas?

EDIT: Before anyone asks yes the resource is called rp-radio

Final Edit: wont work as i am trying to call the export in a server.lua but ill keep trying

its a client export

y’all going around like β€œit doesnt work anymore” but you could acually be helpfull and just tell us why it doesnt work. just a hint…

btw, is there a way that we sound like talking trough radios when using it?

Have some issue with the private channels for police. Not sure if I have this setup correctly or not?

How do i change the name, i dont want it to say INDIA-(PLAYERID), just want it to be the player name

Hello, I’m having an error where I join the radio channel hear everyone, but I can’t speak into the channel. My regular voice works like I can talk to people on the street but not through the radio. Any solutions?

So this requires one sync? Can’t be used in a 32 slot?

Try this to see if it fixes your issues with OneSync.

I think you can by registering a command and using RegisterKeyMapping native

hello, did you find any fix for this problem?

When I spectate someone with vmenu I don’t hear a voice. We use mumble voip. Someone a fix?