[Release] mumble-voip, rp-radio

I am going to type up a Tutorial that has everything in one spot

  1. Grab the two scripts from the links in the OP’s post
  2. extract them to your resources folder
  3. add ensure mumble-voip and then ensure rp-radio to your server.cfg
  4. at the top of the server.cfg somewhere add these convars

setr voice_use3dAudio true
setr voice_useSendingRangeOnly true

  1. make a radio item and have the script trigger
    TriggerClientEvent(‘Radio.Set’, source, true) and TriggerClientEvent(‘Radio.Toggle’, source) when you use the radio item OR Change Radio.Has to True at the top of rp-radio/client.lua

then you can use the /radio command or the radio key