We wanted to start giving back as a few other community’s out there are doing the same, here are all the publicly released scripts/maps/mods/etc. More will be added to this list over time. Thank you guys and enjoy
Terms of Use: DO NOT upload to any other site or take credit for our work. If this is done we will remove this from public download and cancel any future release. Thank you.
MSRP Postal Map Including satellite view map with postal’s and street names.
What exactly is your issue…?
If your missing parts of the map, like I said I will put out an update when I get home this afternoon to fix that.
Having esx shouldn’t effect if it works or not…installs the same way.
Ok did you install it properly? Just drag the citizen folder into your fivem app data
Edit: you may need the zoom data file if you don’t have one, like I said will be updated soon