[Release] Mod Map PolicePark

Today, I am at the disposal of a new police card.

Do not forget to post a short message for future cards and even ask me for new cards.

Download link: https://github.com/RayHollywood/Map_PolicePark_Ray

Pos: Police Station

image of the card:



Good job it looks good :smiley:

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Looks very nice, good job

I challenge to make it with 3ds max then put it into the game. Then it is really part of the map.

can someone tell me the model of the door so i can make it work with esx_doorlock

prop_facgate_08 is the model of the gate, let me know if you get it to work

that did not work =(

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let me double check

That’s what the hash is calling for from what I can see, which is the prop_facgate_08

I think the gate may be placed upside down if that changes anything

this is how i got it to work hope this helps =]
objName = ‘prop_facgate_08’,
objYaw = 90.0,
objCoords = vector3(421.12, -1017.13, 29.0),
textCoords = vector3(421.17, -1020.41, 31.27),
authorizedJobs = { ‘police’ },
locked = false,
distance = 14,
size = 2

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My esx_policejob script works very well usually, by cons when I put the mapping I can not see any point on the map as the font script script does not work I restart the script still nothing an idea please?

THX! very usefull

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