Hey folks.
This is my first contribution to the Cayo Perico Island Mansion.
It is just a small, single guest bedroom w/ a washroom.
More to come.
Please credit me if used or edited Needed:
Cayo Perico Island mod, there are multiple available.
You must have the island resource runnning. MAKE SURE YOU BACK UP THE 4 MANSION REPLACE FILES
Open dons_cayo.rar, and open the REPLACE folder.
Locate your Cayo Perico Island Mod Resource, and replace ALL files in the replace folder.
Place the dons_cayo_bed1 resource in your maps and start it in your config.
Hi! I enabled the cayo perico island by switching to the newest build and using a ipl loader. So I can’t use the replace files. Is there any way I could still remove original door and everything? Or is there no way I can use this mod?