[RELEASE][MLO] blackmarket-tunershop - A Vinewood Hills car tune shop!


This release marks the second MLO I have made since starting to map for GTA V. It features an interior with two rooms one of which being a small office. The other is a little larger and consists of an area where mechanics can work on one car at the time with plenty of tools to use. The office has window- and doorframes adding to the details of the map. Also going off of feedback from my first MLO, I have added more lighting and changed the textures in the different rooms to make it feel more real. I look forward to your feedback and would love to see this being used.

This release also is unlocked meaning you can edit this release to use on your own server. However, it is not allowed to edit this and post it without first getting my permission.

This is just an interior, stuff like actually tuning vehicles needs to be done with a different script.

blackmarket_tunershop.rar (8.6 MB)

Showcase video

How to install

  1. Download the file linked above
  2. Go to your server directory
  3. Extract the resource from the .rar file
  4. Add “ensure blackmarket_tunershop” to your server.cfg

x = 253.22
y = 356.23
z = 105.52

I would love to hear what you think of this project! Let me know down below!


It’s an well done MLO, i like it!

But keep an eye on ur collisions, because u have a lot of collision bug inside of the Interior and try to play with lighting more! :wink:

Keep ur the good Work!


It might not be centered in 3ds, I will check that this weekend and update if thats the case :+1: thanks for your feedback :wink:

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nice location - sugggestions: up the LOD distance so it pops in from further away, make the door hinge open the other way so you can walk through properly, and maybe extend the ledge and put a railing there.move the plant , as it gets in the way.
and while inside the garage, the props outside clip out of existence.
looks good, needs polish. well done.

1 Like

I will be sure to take out my tin of polish later on! Thanks for your feedback :heart:

coords please!

x = 253.22
y = 356.23
z = 105.52

also have been added to the original post :+1: