[Release] [MilitaryRP] - Faction Comms Chat Commands
[Why the release]
I’ve been lurking around the forums for a couple months just tinkering with different resources and checking out all the great new resources, I thought it was about time to begin contributing to the community on modifications or the little stuff I’ve put together over the last couple months.
[The resource release]
This is Chat commands for anyone running the MilitaryRP Gamemode - [Outdated] [Powered by ESX] [Gamemode] Military Roleplay
Very Simple release for the chat.
/usa message = United States Comms - Name - Message
/usp message = US Air-Force Comms - Name - Message
/ru message = Russian Federation Comms - Name - Message
/rup message = RU Air-Force Comms - Name - Message
/uk message = United Kingdom Comms - Name - Message
/ukp message = UK Air-Force Comms - Name - Message
/cn message = Chinese Comms - Name - Message
/cno message = CN Air-Force Comms - Name - Message
Also as shown below (Got lazy with the examples but you get the drift )
Installation -
Drag & Drop the file MilitaryRP-FactionsComms into the resources file
Add start MilitaryRP-FactionsComms to the server.cfg
@sadboilogan - For his resource release (Which I used as a template to make this) - Chat Commands (/me /do etc)
@LGDevelopment - (The actual Gamemode isn’t in this release but still deserves credits) [Outdated] [Powered by ESX] [Gamemode] Military Roleplay