[Release] MenuV - Standalone NUI menu for FiveM (v1.4), docs added!

This is because you may have had coded the resource.lua wrong. Could you post a screenshot of your resource.lua file

itā€™s my fxmanifest.lua

fx_version 'adamant'

game 'gta5'

description 'emc911'
version '1.0.0'

client_scripts {

I used your code and worked fine for me. I used the following fxmanifest.lua

fx_version 'adamant'
game 'gta5'
lua54 'yes'

name 'MenuV'
version '1.0.0'
description 'FiveM menu libarary for creating menu\'s'
author 'ThymonA'
contact 'contact@arens.io'
url 'https://github.com/ThymonA/menuv/'

client_scripts {

dependencies {

And your code inside example.lua

local assert = assert
local MenuV = assert(MenuV)

local menu = MenuV:CreateMenu('MenuV', 'Welcome to MenuV', 'bottomleft', 255, 0, 0)
local menu2 = MenuV:CreateMenu('Demo 2', 'Open this demo menu in MenuV', 'topleft', 255, 0, 0)

local menu_button = menu:AddButton({ icon = 'šŸ˜ƒ', label = 'Open Demo 2 Menu', value = menu2, description = 'YEA :D from first menu' })
local menu2_button = menu2:AddButton({ icon = 'šŸ˜ƒ', label = 'Open First Menu', value = menu, description = 'YEA :D from second menu' })
local confirm = menu:AddConfirm({ icon = 'šŸ”„', label = 'Confirm', value = 'no' })
local range = menu:AddRange({ icon = 'āš½', label = 'Range Item', min = 0, max = 10, value = 0, saveOnUpdate = true })
local checkbox = menu:AddCheckbox({ icon = 'šŸ’”', label = 'Checkbox Item', value = 'n' })
local slider = menu:AddSlider({ icon = 'ā¤ļø', label = 'Slider', value = 'demo', values = {
    { label = 'Demo Item', value = 'demo', description = 'Demo Item 1' },
    { label = 'Demo Item 2', value = 'demo2', description = 'Demo Item 2' },
    { label = 'Demo Item 3', value = 'demo3', description = 'Demo Item 3' },
    { label = 'Demo Item 4', value = 'demo4', description = 'Demo Item 4' }

--- Events
confirm:On('confirm', function(item) print('YOU ACCEPTED THE TERMS') end)
confirm:On('deny', function(item) print('YOU DENIED THE TERMS') end)

range:On('select', function(item, value) print(('FROM %s to %s YOU SELECTED %s'):format(item.Min, item.Max, value)) end)
range:On('change', function(item, newValue, oldValue)
    menu.Title = ('MenuV %s'):format(newValue)

slider:On('select', function(item, value) print(('YOU SELECTED %s'):format(value)) end)

confirm:On('enter', function(item) print('YOU HAVE NOW A CONFIRM ACTIVE') end)
confirm:On('leave', function(item) print('YOU LEFT OUR CONFIRM :(') end)

menu:On('switch', function(item, currentItem, prevItem) print(('YOU HAVE SWITCH THE ITEMS FROM %s TO %s'):format(prevItem.__type, currentItem.__type)) end)

menu2:On('open', function(m)

    for i = 1, 10, 1 do
        math.randomseed(GetGameTimer() + i)

        m:AddButton({ ignoreUpdate = i ~= 10, icon = 'ā¤ļø', label = ('Open Menu %s'):format(math.random(0, 1000)), value = menu, description = ('YEA! ANOTHER RANDOM NUMBER: %s'):format(math.random(0, 1000)), select = function(i) print('YOU CLICKED ON THIS ITEM!!!!') end })

RegisterCommand("menutest", function(source, args, fullCommand)
    print ("test")
    print ("test2")
end, false)

I added the following in my server.cfg

start menuv
start menuv_example

Also take a look at this issue, maybe you did the same thing wrong:

The following may be your problem:

Hi, nice job Tigo, i have a question, How to put the menu on the middle right of the screen ?, thx.

local menu = MenuV:CreateMenu('MenuV', 'Welcome to MenuV', 'topleft', 255, 0, 0)

Change topleft to centerright, if you want to know which positions out there, check:

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Thx tigo and nice project, im making an admin menu, when i finish i will send here ^^

Version 1.1 is out now and has YTD banner support:


Just published the new documentation, hopefully, this will help you all further.
MenuV documentation: https://menuv.fivem.io/api/

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Version 1.2 is out now and has OpenWith key bind support.

Version 1.3 is out now and has second theme native support.



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Many thanks for your all your efforts, Iā€™ve only had a small play around so far with it but I will be shifting all of my menu related resources to this one because of how well it just works.

Iā€™ll be sure to make Issues with repos or PRā€™s if I find any undesired outcomes.

Again, Thank you.

If your missing functionalities, you can always request them and maybe they will be implemented.
Thank you for your message and if you have any questions, contact information can be found on my GitHub profile.

Version 1.4 is out now and has

  • Colour support like: ^1 or ~r~ etc.
  • Resources using MenuV doesnā€™t require a resource restart anymore.
  • :Close function on menuā€™s now work properly
  • Adding / Removing Items wonā€™t cause weird issues like: Random order, wrong item select etc.



this is really really good but seems like in the example.lua, the ā€œOpen Demo 2 Menuā€ button doesnt do anything. no errors either, im confused but if there is a fix Iā€™m probably gonna have to spend like 50 hours changing everything over XD
EDIT: image I canā€™t get anything to print very confused, literally nothing is printing to the console. Just using the latest build, added this to example.lua

Print itā€™s



--- Create a menu
local menu = MenuV:CreateMenu(false, 'Welcome to MenuV', 'topleft', 255, 0, 0, 'size-125', 'example', 'menuv', 'example_namespace')

--- Add a button
local close_button = menu:AddButton({ label = 'Close Menu' })

--- Register `event`
close_button:On('select', function(i)

--- Assign a button
menu:OpenWith('keyboard', 'F1') -- Press F1 to open Menu

This doesnā€™t work in your resource? Also make sure you make a new resource that uses menuv.

Example Resource: menuv_example.zip (1.8 KB)

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My favorite menu system so far! Easy to use, and very straightforward!

That said, is there any way to add graph selectors, or color select sliders in the description as seen in this video?

Sorry if I havenā€™t read through the docs enough yet to get the answerā€¦ Quite swamped currently! :slight_smile:

Those arenā€™t part of MenuV right now, thanks for giving this idea and will definitely be implemented.

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The best NUI menu!

Position label and size inside the buttons would be dope!

EDIT: Oh, also a function to delete buttons/menus :frowning:

If your have some feature requests for the next update, please put them here in the forum or on GitHub: