[Release] /me but the text is 3D printed

it’s easy and also has been already posted just change the main and client from the esx_identys an u got it.

Am not using Esx am using vrp. :slight_smile:

Can someone help with adding ID to the normal chat not on the head ?

Where is the text position? huh

Hi ! I want to add a /me to weapon pull out. So when the player pulls out the weapon it displays “The person pulled out his gun”. How can I do that?

check if player is pulling out a gun, take a look at this resource:

Thanks ! :slight_smile:

have you made it? If yes, could you share?

any way to code this for /do as well?

good job

I’m looking for an automatic /me, whenever a player pulls his weapon out, I want it to write it in chat for him…

/me pulls a weapon out
BUT I want it to be a specific weapon, not every weapon.

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MEDO.rar (3.2 KB)

Here you are, enjoy. If you want to change the Do: and the Me: text, just open the client.lua

And search for `RegisterCommand(‘me’, function(source, args)

local text = 'me:'

for i = 1,#args do

    text = text .. ' ' .. args[i]


table.concat() exists?

Hi guys, did someone know how to make diacritics ? Via Change Font ? Can somebody help me ?

please how i got the box around it ???

So i want to use this resource for when i enter a vehicle it shows a 3dme text up on screen, where it tells you how to turn the engine on, i got it working partly. So the 3dme text shows up but everyone near the person can see the text, and i want it to be only visual for the player in the car. Can someone help me??

Script part where the 3dme shows up on enter

if OnAtEnter then
while true do
if GetSeatPedIsTryingToEnter(GetPlayerPed(-1)) == -1 then
for i, vehicle in ipairs(vehicles) do
if vehicle[1] == GetVehiclePedIsTryingToEnter(GetPlayerPed(-1)) and not vehicle[2] then
vehicle[2] = false
TriggerServerEvent(“3dme:shareDisplay”, “Tryk [Z] for at tænde køretøjet!”)

how to 3d /me when pulls weapon out?

how to change that model

Does anyone have this with names in the chat?

I want to add a /me text after an Event like when you sell you car, to The person sold the car Any idea for how to do that?