[Release] /me but the text is 3D printed

Hi, I’m a little bit stuck here and i wanted to know if someone knows how i can resolve this problem, so i used this resource to force an automatic message (The person pulls his phone out) when the player uses his phone (by clicking on ~/²) AND by using the animation used when you pull out the phone. This works perfectly but when i try to put the phone away (by clicking on ~/²) , the same message from earlier appears

here is the script i’m using :

	while true do
		local playerPed = PlayerPedId()
			if IsEntityPlayingAnim(playerPed, 'cellphone_text_out', 'idle', 3) ~= 1 and IsControlJustPressed(0,243) then
                    TriggerServerEvent('3dme:shareDisplay3', text)

what i want to do is use a specific message when the person pulls her phone out and another message when she “ranges” it.

any ideas on how i can do that ?

A better idea would be to add the trigger where you handle the keypress to pull up the phone.

Hi! I messed with the script a bit and tried to display the 3d text like seen in the gif, but the rectangle is moving around with the player. Do you know what I can do, that the rectangle doesn’t move around like that?

gif: https://gyazo.com/da37e2e06142b31abe90d3f0c5e3907f

Did you add the rectangle yourself or are you using an older version ? If you added it yourself, please share your code.

Anyone knows what could be the issue that no 3d printed output appears when I use

TriggerServerEvent('3dme:shareDisplay', 'Test ')

in another ressource client.lua?

EDIT: 3dme script is working fine with /me command

The trigger needs to be on the server side. For example :

AddEventHandler('trunkOpened', function()
	local Source = source
	local text = "* the person opened the trunk of the car *"
	TriggerClientEvent('3dme:shareDisplay', -1, text, Source)
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I have an error on the version 2.2 in the server.lua at the line 5.

-- ## 3dme : server side

-- Command
RegisterCommand('me', function(source, args)
    local text = "* " .. Languages[Config.language].prefix .. table.concat(args, " ") .. " *"
    TriggerClientEvent('3dme:shareDisplay', -1, text, source)

The line 5 is
local text = "* " .. Languages[Config.language].prefix .. table.concat(args, " ") .. " *"

i don’t find the error… Somoene can help me please ?

Tank’s for your help

What’s the error ? Have you made any modifications to the files ?

This is the two errors i have, The fist when i start the script, the second when i write /me test

This is the line 88 and 89 of the client.lua

local LANGUAGE = Config.language

TriggerEvent(‘chat:addSuggestion’, ‘/’ … Languages[LANGUAGE].commandName, Languages[LANGUAGE].commandDescription, Languages[LANGUAGE].commandSuggestion)

And i didn’t modify anything, i just download and install it

Looks like the config file has an error or its doesn’t get loaded. Full logs would help.

It’s solved, i don’t know how…

But thank’s for help !

How would one go about adding a background color to this?

Check the previous versions, it used to have a background.

Hey Elio, sorry for the late response. This is the code I used:

local function DrawText3D(coords, text, color)

    local camCoords = GetGameplayCamCoord()

    local dist = #(coords - camCoords)

    local onScreen, _x, _y = World3dToScreen2d(coords.x, coords.y, coords.z)


    -- Experimental math to scale the text down

    local scale = 185 / (GetGameplayCamFov() * dist)

      if onScreen then

        -- Format the text


        SetTextColour(255, 255, 255, 250)


        SetTextScale(0.0, defaultScale * scale)

        SetTextDropshadow(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)






        -- Diplay the text



        SetDrawOrigin(coords, 0)

        EndTextCommandDisplayText(0.0, 0.0)


        local factor = (string.len(text)) / 280

        DrawRect(_x, _y + 0.0125, (0.035 + factor * scale), 0.025 * scale, 55, 55, 55, 150)


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Any way to do that when you pick up gun and it says:
Picks out gun.
And how to add it on esx_policjob
that when you arrest it says:
Arrest’s uncuff’s civilian.
Any help?

how to trigger automatic /me text to change police outfit?
Screenshot by Lightshot why not working?
Screenshot by Lightshot

@Elio Is there any way to get the /me to also go in the chat (local) so just people around you can see it in the chat as well as above your head so if you miss what someone says you can scroll up in the chat and see it?

Take a look at older versions, it used to also send a message in the chat.

@Elio im using 2.2 i believe and it pops up in the chat as well as above my head, but it goes above every single persons head in the server when i do it

You’re probably using Onesync and using a much older version than 2.2 as the resource used to not support Onesync and create such issues.