[Release] /me but the text is 3D printed

Are you using the latest version ? It should’ve been fixed.

Indeed, I did not checked the latest version patched the issue with OneSync Infinity

How can i automatize this script, i mean, like when you open the truck with the G key, and it prints to the chat: /me [Leo Smith] has opened the trunk or /do [Leo Smith] has been shot in the leg or if you press F1 cellphone /me [Leo Smith] is bringing up his cellphone.

On the server side, you can use TriggerClientEvent('3dme:shareDisplay', -1, text, source) with text being the text to display and source the server-id of the player on which you want the text to appear.

@Elio can u told me how can do that ? Thanks appreciate

Hello i do background for my /me but the text doesnt show in chat, but 3d working any idea?

Okay it’s solved

Can you show me an example please?

Let’s say someone just opened the trunk of a car, you will have to trigger an event from the client to the server. We will call this event trunkOpened.

Now, I will give the details of this event (server side) :

AddEventHandler('trunkOpened', function()
	local Source = source
	local text = "* the person opened the trunk of the car *"
	TriggerClientEvent('3dme:shareDisplay', -1, text, Source)
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I just figured out earlyer, i didn’t readed the docs… xD
Thanks btw!

How to display players name and id in chat before me message? Like in photo3dme

Replace line 29 of the server.lua by this :

local text = GetPlayerName(source) .. " (" .. source .. ") : " .. "* the person" .. TableToString(args) .. " *"

Thanks, but how to display the entered command and player id? 3dme_LI

The string to achieve such a thing is :

"(/ME) " .. GetPlayerName(source) .. " (" .. source .. ") : " .. "* the person" .. TableToString(args) .. " *"

You will have to take a look at older versions to see how to print the message in the chat.

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Lots of respect for your responses man, I’ve learned a lot just by scrolling through here. It seems you have along the way as well :joy: :smiley:

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if i don’t need to use /me just type and enter. text will show above my charactor. how can i do???

Replace lines 28 to 31 (server.lua) by this :

AddEventHandler('chatMessage', function(_source, _author, _text)
    local text = "* the person" .. _text .. " *"
    TriggerClientEvent('3dme:shareDisplay', -1, text, _source)
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thank u <3

Excelent working for me
server side fine

How to add me, 3d and in the chat??? sorry for my english