[Release] McDonalds Job | A Fast Food Restaurant Job for ESX

The point is before the last update all players could grab any car and do those deliveries and it wasn’t that good since people been doing a 1 minute drive to down town with their own ‘Super Cars’ while Job cars are much slower and improves RP in specific job.

This bug began after this update when he forced player to use job cars, after my suggestion.
Is there anyway to keep it with job cars and fix this Delivery blip bug? @MojitoBurrito
Thanks for your help guys, keep improving the community.

Ok; Alternative solution, instead of removing the waypoint it will force you to exit your vehicle.

I’ve kept the way I assign the waypoint as above but instead of commenting out the thread I’ve changed it completly and added a new way of checking if the car is a work vehicle because they way you did it before didn’t quite work.

workvehicles = {

function isCarWorkVehicle(carName)
	for _, workCar in pairs(workvehicles) do
		if carName == workCar then
			return true
	return false

--Check if Inside work Vehicle
    while true do
        if IsPedInAnyVehicle(playerPed, false) then
            local ped = GetPlayerPed(-1)
            local vehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn(ped,false)
            local modelName = GetEntityModel(vehicle)
            local model = GetDisplayNameFromVehicleModel(modelName)
            if not isCarWorkVehicle(model) then
                if currentJob == 'deliv' and onDuty and isDriveDelivering then
                    if IsPedSittingInAnyVehicle(ped) then 
                        SetEntityAsMissionEntity(vehicle,true, true)
                        TaskLeaveVehicle(PlayerPedId(),vehicle, 0)
                        if Config.EnablePNotify then
                            exports.pNotify:SendNotification({text = "This Vehicle is not suitable for this job.", type = "error", timeout = 2000, layout = "centerLeft", queue = "left", animation = {open = "gta_effects_fade_in", close = "gta_effects_fade_out"}})
                        elseif Config.EnableMythic then
                            exports['mythic_notify']:SendAlert('error', "This Vehicle is not suitable for this job.")
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I will try it soon, thank you.

cashier job not working? no customer pop’s up when i go to deliver the meal am i missing a resource or something?

The current mapping changes textures to other mappings, specifically the boxes that are normally used when mapping. The script is too good, if you could do that change of place it would be excellent.
best map

For those who do not get the deliver point change in line 81 “Config.EnableDenterDeliveries” to Config.driveDeliveryPoints at least it worked for me

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How can i change that the cashier o delivery person can get more than 1 Mcdonalds meal


Hi when I put

INSERT INTO job_grades (id, job_name, grade, name, label, salary) VALUES
(NULL, ‘McDonalds’, 0, ‘McCleaner’, ‘Mc Cleaner’, 200),
(NULL, ‘McDonalds’, 1, ‘McCashier’, ‘Mc Cashier’, 250),
(NULL, ‘McDonalds’, 2, ‘McCook’, ‘Mc Cook’, 250),
(NULL, ‘McDonalds’, 3, ‘McDelivery’, ‘Mc Delivery Driver’, 250),
(NULL, ‘McDonalds’, 4, ‘McBoss’, ‘Mc Boss’, 350);

it gives me an error in the database. I says that theres no skin male and skin female help :confused:

Hi when I put

INSERT INTO job_grades (id, job_name, grade, name, label, salary) VALUES
(NULL, ‘McDonalds’, 0, ‘McCleaner’, ‘Mc Cleaner’, 200),
(NULL, ‘McDonalds’, 1, ‘McCashier’, ‘Mc Cashier’, 250),
(NULL, ‘McDonalds’, 2, ‘McCook’, ‘Mc Cook’, 250),
(NULL, ‘McDonalds’, 3, ‘McDelivery’, ‘Mc Delivery Driver’, 250),
(NULL, ‘McDonalds’, 4, ‘McBoss’, ‘Mc Boss’, 350);

it gives me an error in the database. I says that theres no skin male and skin female help :confused:

I have a problem with my job as a cook. when packing a meal, it freezes my character and does not add McDonalds Meal to McDonald’s inventory. I don’t have any error under f8

what to do with the problem.

download progressbar

I did not understand you

I don’t see the props with the animations.

Tengo la solucion para las personas que no ven los puntos del trabajo.Parece que hay un error al generar las tablas mediante mysql automaticamente al cargar el archivo por lo que hay que generarlas manualmente. Ir al Xamp y en Mysql apretar sobre el boton de admin,una vez que los lleve a la pagina seleccionar la tabla de “jobs”, apretar copiar sobre algun trabajo que ya exista y reemplazar los casilleros con lo siguiente Name: McDonalds , Label: McDonalds ,Whitelist : 0, esto mismo hay que hacer en la pestaña de "job_grades para generar los diferentes puestos del trabajo, ir a la tabla job_grades y copiar alguno, seran 3 los que hay que crear 1- Job_Name: cook, Grade: 1, Label: Cocinero 2- Job_Name: cashier, Grade: 2, Label: Cajero 3-Job_Name: deliv, Grade: 3, Label: Delivery

Con esto ya les funcionara el trabajo.
By GeneralBondi

tenes mal puesto el start, deberia ser : start dgrp_mcdonaldsjob


tenes mal puesto el start, deberia ser: start dgrp_mcdonaldsjob

so there is a bug that if Config.EnableMealInventory = false then cashier still ask for the cook to prepare a meal (you cant get the meal) thanks for your time

edit: there is a second bug that get you “unemployed” even when in second job

For those having the skin error with SQL you can alter the job_grades INSERT with the following (obviously not ideal but will work)

INSERT INTO `job_grades` (`id`, `job_name`, `grade`, `name`, `label`, `salary`, `skin_male`, `skin_female`) VALUES
(NULL, 'McDonalds', 0, 'McCleaner', 'Mc Cleaner', 200, '', ''),
(NULL, 'McDonalds', 1, 'McCashier', 'Mc Cashier', 250, '', ''),
(NULL, 'McDonalds', 2, 'McCook', 'Mc Cook', 250, '', ''),
(NULL, 'McDonalds', 3, 'McDelivery', 'Mc Delivery Driver', 250, '', ''),
(NULL, 'McDonalds', 4, 'McBoss', 'Mc Boss', 350, '', '');
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Hey great script here so far. I have 1 question about the F6 Billing as I dont see anything in the script regarding this. So how would I bill a player? If I give a random player a meal they would also get a warning about eating mcd food.

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