[RELEASE]-[LoadingScreen] <ANIMATED> Kosta_loading Dragon

Visit the Github Repository to download Kosta_Loading-theForest & view the source code:

Updates are coming. I might re-make the whole loadingscreen
for a more simple understanding.


  1. Animated background layer 1
  2. Animated background layer 2
  3. Animated Dragon
  4. Animated Menu
  5. Multilayer Menu
  6. Everything is customizable

YouTube vid!

1. Change Font:
	kosta_loading-dragon > css > menu.css > Line 12 "font-family"

for any questins feel free to ask


Like the artwork! good job :smiley:

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awesome Work, amazing loading screen

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Well done for this work.
I have a question, is it possible to have only one wallpaper in the background?
I tried to modify and bugged this completely.
If I change the css there will still be the possibility of left click with the menu that opens?

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Anyway I can remove the little circles that float around everywhere?

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Welcome to the community!
Just delete the last script in index.html → From Line 1031 to 1073

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Thanks! So you want to change that the background is in only one color and its not moving! If so:

  1. Open up back.css
  2. Go to line 17: background-image: linear-gradient(-60deg, #6c3 50%, #09f 50%);
  3. Change: background-image: linear-gradient(-60deg, #COLOR 50%, #COLOR 50%);

As for the menu its not related to the background so it should not bug when dealing with it.

Is there anyway i can remove the main window, with the gallery, staffs etc, when you click on the logo? :slight_smile:

just add class="close" to the img.

in the img.css ???