[Release] LiveMap

Removed node_modules and ran npm install. Seems to fix it.


I’m having trouble getting this setup? Could someone help me?

anybody getting this or had got this error?

TypeError: Cannot read property ‘get’ of undefined
at exports.provide (/home/zap556960/g263412/gta5-fivem/server-data/resources/[map]/live_map/node_modules/webpack/lib/util/MapHelpers.js:17:20)
at /home/zap556960/g263412/gta5-fivem/server-data/resources/[map]/live_map/node_modules/webpack/lib/DefinePlugin.js:289:51
at SyncHook.eval [as call] (eval at create (/home/zap556960/g263412/gta5-fivem/server-data/resources/[system]/[builders]/webpack/node_modules/tapable/lib/HookCodeFactory.js:19:10), :7:1)
at SyncHook.lazyCompileHook (/home/zap556960/g263412/gta5-fivem/server-data/resources/[system]/[builders]/webpack/node_modules/tapable/lib/Hook.js:154:20)
at Compiler.newCompilation (/home/zap556960/g263412/gta5-fivem/server-data/resources/[system]/[builders]/webpack/node_modules/webpack/lib/Compiler.js:631:26)
at /home/zap556960/g263412/gta5-fivem/server-data/resources/[system]/[builders]/webpack/node_modules/webpack/lib/Compiler.js:667:29
at AsyncSeriesHook.eval [as callAsync] (eval at create (/home/zap556960/g263412/gta5-fivem/server-data/resources/[system]/[builders]/webpack/node_modules/tapable/lib/HookCodeFactory.js:33:10), :6:1)
at AsyncSeriesHook.lazyCompileHook (/home/zap556960/g263412/gta5-fivem/server-data/resources/[system]/[builders]/webpack/node_modules/tapable/lib/Hook.js:154:20)
at Compiler.compile (/home/zap556960/g263412/gta5-fivem/server-data/resources/[system]/[builders]/webpack/node_modules/webpack/lib/Compiler.js:662:28)
at /home/zap556960/g263412/gta5-fivem/server-data/resources/[system]/[builders]/webpack/node_modules/webpack/lib/Compiler.js:321:11
const value = map.get(key);

Yes me also

I’ll have a look at reproducing when I get chance. In the middle of refactoring the interface (and redoing it) and updating the documentation so, might be a while.

:+1: copy that

Can you update to the latest version (3.1.0) and see if the issue still persists?

Heads up for others as well, 3.1.0 should get rid of the yarn/webpack errors you may have been getting.

/cc @pippy783

Jordan/Havoc. I don’t know if this needs to be a github issue, but I tried to setup a local environment with the latest versions (interface: 4.0.1 Resource: 3.1.0). At this point I’m getting 404 errors on the map tiles, due to the coords not corresponding to the filenames…

Care to explain a bit further? There will be some 404 errors thrown, it shouldn’t stop the map from loading though.

And could you use v4.0.0 of the interface see if that helps? The develop branch is a little unstable at the moment, undergoing massive changes.

It also won’t load the interface itself, So I think it will have something to do with the changes you are making? Since I have (an older GMAPS version) running just fine. So I wouldn’t expect it to be something wrong with my webserver or something… All scripts do load and contact with the socket is succesfully established.

On 4.0.0 it does work! (only the version string isn’t properly changed in the version.json file.

Jesus, that’s ancient :laughing:

Good to know, it is most likely the changes on the develop branch that’s causing the issues. It’s not fully complete at the moment but, once it is you should get a notification when you open the interface :slight_smile:

Jesus, that’s ancient :laughing:

if it works it ain’t stupid right? xD
I’ve modified that one so much, so now the code is even worse than it was (no offense tho, you did a great job!).

Good to know, it is most likely the changes on the develop branch that’s causing the issues. It’s not fully complete at the moment but, once it is you should get a notification when you open the interface :slight_smile:

Codewise it looks very promising! I’ll keep checking it out!

None taken… It was written a very long time ago and done quickly to get a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) out without any regards to the code quality. Hopefully the refactored version is a bit cleaner and easier for you to implement your changes again :slight_smile:

If anyone wants to help translate LiveMap into their language, its now possible (will be published once the code refactor has been done)

I setup a new server with the same hosting provider and downloaded the new files. I am only seeing this on the page. In the past I now it worked but I don’t remember what version I used at that time.

What version of the interface did you download?

Can you download 4.0.0 and see if that loads for you?

I’ll remove the 4.0.1 tag from Github as soon as possible as I feel people are downloading that thinking it’s a stable release :slight_smile:

These are the ones that I have tried

I re downloaded the link you posted above and I get this

And 4.0.0 is the same? Can you change debug in your config to true, load the debug page (/debug.html) and open your browser console (CTRL + SHIFT + J) to see any errors that might be stopping it from loading.

Edit: For some reason it think you’re on 3.2.4. Upload 4.0.0 (deleting all the old files) and refresh your browser cache (CTRL + F5)

When I use the 4.0.0 I get the out of date notice. When I click on the link it told me to update, it wants me to download the develop version

I am able to pull up the normal page though. Should i stick with the 4.0.0 and not the https://github.com/TGRHavoc/live_map-interface/archive/refs/heads/develop.zip