[Release] LiveMap

So you want a different postal code map than the one provided?

Hey @Havoc, When will https be able to be used? I have a https site, everything is secure, but the players will not show up on the map, When I go back to http, I can see the players.

Yeah. No idea mate. Last time I checked, FiveM didn’t ship with a crypto library that .NET needed to implement secure websockets. I did try and get around this by implementing “Server Sent Events” (sse) into the resource but, that failed (see commit 735df7)

I feel that even if I could get secure websockets working, it would be too much hastle for the average user to set up as it would require them to generate proper SSL certificates to keep browsers happy. SSE would’ve just piggy-backed off the reverse proxy that already exists for a simple set up.

Anyways, if you need secure websockets, you’ll have to configure a reverse proxy yourself. If you’re using NGINX as your webserver it’s as easy as

location /ws/ {
    proxy_pass http://{{FIVEM_IP}}:{{SOCKET_PORT}};
    proxy_http_version 1.1;
    proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
    proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade";
    proxy_set_header Host $host;

Where {{FIVEM_IP}} is the IP of the fivem server ( if running on same host) and {{SOCKET_PORT}} is the websocket port.
Then you can point the config’s socket reverse proxy setting to wss://YOUR_WEBSITE_URL/ws/.

Is there a way to make it so only certain players blips show or only people in a certain group?

Thank you soooo much for this. I can view my website in https (secured) without any errors that say that the config is messed up. The blips show. Now, the only thing I need to check is if the online players will show (and are synced). If the players are synced perfectly, I can say that this helped alot. Because I really dont like using http for websites, it doesnt look all that great.

Ok, Quick update, I have tried the map in server, It does not show me in on the map, but it does show the blips. I am using IIS btw. It is way different to setup Reverse Proxies and Websockets. I have followed many tutorials, But none are helpful. I am meant to set this up in URL Rewrite, I have URL Rewrite, But I dont know how I would add this in the correct format :frowning:

location /ws/ {
    proxy_pass http://serverip:30121;
    proxy_http_version 1.1;
    proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
    proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade";
    proxy_set_header Host $host;

EDIT: Or would I have to install NGINX as well and use that for my live map?

You might need IIS8 or above.

Obviously the action rewrite would need to use the socket port. I’ve not got much experience with IIS to be honest.

Hi it doesnt work for me, i dont know to fix :frowning:

How to set this up using zaphosting??

Hi Havoc or anyone who may be able to help. I have my LiveMap installed and working but it is coming up as an unsecured domain, not registering the SSL. I was told by WebHost that the SSL is valid and should be working and it may be an issue with something in the config of live map. I was wondering if anyone may be able to help me out. Thanks!

Ask them to set up a reverse proxy for your socket port.

Oh alright, Thank you!

hi how does it work with a webhosting and a fivem server hosting?

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how would i make my live map filter to only show emergency vehicles

How would I put this on a subdomain. I have Hosturly package for web hosting and wanted to hook it up to that. How would I do that?

Is there any way you can get this to work with an FTP because i run my server using zap

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Anyone know how to fix this

TypeError: Cannot read property ‘get’ of undefined
at C:\cygwin\home\zap584214\g275483\gta5-fivem\server-data\resources\live_map\node_modules\webpack\lib\DefinePlugin.js:549:57
at Array.forEach ()
at walkDefinitionsForValues (C:\cygwin\home\zap584214\g275483\gta5-fivem\server-data\resources\live_map\node_modules\webpack\lib\DefinePlugin.js:545:31)
at C:\cygwin\home\zap584214\g275483\gta5-fivem\server-data\resources\live_map\node_modules\webpack\lib\DefinePlugin.js:571:5
at SyncHook.eval [as call] (eval at create (C:\cygwin\home\zap584214\g275483\gta5-fivem\server-data\resources[system][builders]\webpack\node_modules\tapable\lib\HookCodeFactory.js:19:10), :7:1)
at SyncHook.lazyCompileHook (C:\cygwin\home\zap584214\g275483\gta5-fivem\server-data\resources[system][builders]\webpack\node_modules\tapable\lib\Hook.js:154:20)
at Compiler.newCompilation (C:\cygwin\home\zap584214\g275483\gta5-fivem\server-data\resources[system][builders]\webpack\node_modules\webpack\lib\Compiler.js:631:26)
at C:\cygwin\home\zap584214\g275483\gta5-fivem\server-data\resources[system][builders]\webpack\node_modules\webpack\lib\Compiler.js:667:29
at AsyncSeriesHook.eval [as callAsync] (eval at create (C:\cygwin\home\zap584214\g275483\gta5-fivem\server-data\resources[system][builders]\webpack\node_modules\tapable\lib\HookCodeFactory.js:33:10), :6:1)
at AsyncSeriesHook.lazyCompileHook (C:\cygwin\home\zap584214\g275483\gta5-fivem\server-data\resources[system][builders]\webpack\node_modules\tapable\lib\Hook.js:154:20)
const oldVersion = compilation.valueCacheVersions.get(name);

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This still work?
i cant seem to figure it out

Wait is this for if servers don’t pop up in “ search or enter an IP address“ I’m new at this and I don’t get it

The same way you would put any other static website on a sub domain.

You need a webhost for the interface… Has nothing to do with FTP, unless this is the way you’re uploading the files. In which case, ask your provider for help if you’re having issues with FTP.

What? No? Its a resource for server owners to have and share a relatively live view of where players are in game.