[Release] LiveMap

I’ve got the Live Map working… for the most part. I’ve got it showing the blips on the map. But I can’t seem to get it to show me where players are to allow me to track them.

Anyone have a solution?

Same. All blips got generated, but no players. I’m getting another error too: " Error latest version for check! error". Maybe someone can help?

You should check your configuration file. That is the error I see the most. Please refer to my post above.


I love being part of the issue, I have blips loaded but no playerblips.

And whenever I click ‘connect’ it can’t connect, no error messages either.

I believe the issue may be my webhost blocking port 30121, if so, is there any other port I could use since they are slow to get back to me. Or a known host that works?

You should check your configuration file. That is the error I see the most. Please refer to my post above.


I feel like you think I haven’t done that yet, the configuration file really isn’t that complicated. It’s easy. That most likely has nothing to do with playerblips showing up. So no need to keep copy pasting your answer, especially considering no amount of config modifications have resolved the error for multitudes of others.

Most people I help accidentally delete something like a comma or bracket in their config file which messes up the whole web interface up, so I pasted that just so you can check it.

All good, apologies if I came off as rude, this has just been frustrating for a bit. I’m pretty sure the problem persists from my web host blocking port 30121. And I don’t know if there are better hosts to use.

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I’m sorry for the misunderstanding. What webhosting service do you use? My community has been using Elhostingservices. It’s based I believe in Europe, but it still does the same thing. It’s cheap too. I would suggest that.

I use hostblast, I’ll check out that hosting service real quick, thank you.

Let me know if that works for you!

Ummm… That shouldn’t happen at all… I’ll investigate this in the morning.

It wouldn’t be on the webhost side of things as the connection is made on the client’s machine (i.e. my PC, not your website’s server). The problem is most likely with the provider for FiveM.
Best bet is to ask them if they have a firewall you don’t control and to add an exception, if they can.
Otherwise, it’s worth double checking all the networking configuration on the server, making sure that you can access the port externally (port check websites) and don’t accidently have it blocked by a firewall.

If it is the resource, hopefully the next lot of updates will fix a bunch of shit.


Thanks. Not trying to promote here or anything, but you can see that error pops up http://www.sas-roleplay.ml/livemap/index.html . All blips are working tho

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Just installed this and it’s working fine i guess excep for the Conected option, when i press it it stays saying Reconecting and stays yellow, also It says Online players: 0 but i got players online. is that an error i made?
I wanted it to help dispacher on CAD. What are the festures avaliable with the script? Is it only the blips on the map or does it show the players position as well? is there anykind of addons scripts to show location of 911 calls? I use freeCAD solution for the dispatcher but it has no ingame conection.

This is a new issue that me and Kevingorman1000 found the other day. It turns out that the DLLs have managed to get corrupted when I refactored the commit messages. Making it not listen on the correct address. Thus, it cannot connect to it.

I’m currently working on a Node version of the resource that should be much better and fix any connection issues happening. I’ve just started work on it but, I hope it to be complete in the next couple of days. Sorry for the inconvenience.

CCing others that have this issue
@pol @BforBrian @Peely @ZachS1 @dracuslayer

Thanks a lot, your work is awsome, and this scrpits brings a lot of possibilities and impovements to fivem

Where can I find what to put on data-action?

I keep getting index 0 was null. Pls help

so what i am understanding your saying their is defiantly connecting issues ? @Havoc I still am unable to get zap to connect they have even gave me three new ips trying to fix it.

New versions. Wew!

Please make sure you update both resource and interface for the best results.

Resource: https://docs.tgrhavoc.me/livemap-resource/changelog/#2.3.0
Interface: https://docs.tgrhavoc.me/livemap-interface/changelog/#4.0.0

It should be a lot better and fix a lot of issues people are having.
It does require you have the latest version of FXServer and, cfx-server-data as it requires yarn and webpack.

Once you have the resource up and running (make sure update the convars, specifically the debug) you can turn your attention to the config.json on the interface.

All your servers need now is the socketPort and the ip. It’s still recommended to use the revserseProxy for https connections, just make sure you update these.

@dracuslayer these updates should also fix your problem :slight_smile: