[Release] Lightbar Menu Script: Attatch Lightbars to ANY vehicle w/ Sirens

Environmental Lighting is through the Carcols.

Made a Non ELS lightbar and got it working Great with the Script!

What lines do I have to change in order to make it light up a street I have looked but can find it thanks

https://youtu.be/tdk04GYZuMk < That Should Help

Hey ive installed everything right i belive and my menu wont open

for admin or everyone ?

@Munky ok so, i am having the same issue many people here seem to be having. Everything is installed properly, with NUI starting first, and i have confirmed that everything is properly done, and that i am in the correct location. But when i press f6 nothing happens. do not receive any notification in f8 console, nothing. any assistance would be appreciated. thank you https://prnt.sc/r6r27i

Hello I need a small help… When I install lightbar to car and press Q so I dont have lights :confused:

The script failed to load, what can be the problem?

can i get it in fivem singleplayer

Is there a way I can use ydr files?

How do you get the lightbarNetworkID as well as the lightbarIndex?

hello sir how can i contact you?

Anyway to get lightbars saved to vehicle when i but them to garage?


It’s not working for me

Hey nice script great idea but i seem to have a problem when i attach any light to the vehicle the screen flashed weirdly for every player on the server and i get no errors.

any way how to fix it ?

Is there a way do add custom lightbars or no?

Yes there is! I made custom lightbars for the script https://community-modding.com/index.php?/files/file/46-cm-mx7000-lightbar-non-els-cm-exclusive/ (If Not Allowed, I’ll delete)

but how do i convert it?

do i just ad whats needed to stream and data?

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Continuing the discussion from [Release] Lightbar Menu Script: Attatch Lightbars to ANY vehicle w/ Sirens:Is it possible to use it in Singleplayer(Rage Plugin Hook)?

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