[Release] Lightbar Menu Script: Attatch Lightbars to ANY vehicle w/ Sirens

Does this work with vRP?

How to make these lightbars’ light more visible?

Hello , the script is very amazing … and useful ,

but i have just a one problem with it , how to make it for a specific permission or something like that ?? … i tried to remove comment on 435 and i didnt figerout how to make it for specifc permssion or a job … i really need help with this

thank you ^-^

Hey! How i can make it like more shine? Something like normal police cars, lightbars have so small range of shine

where do i put if(ESX.TriggerServerCallback(‘esx_service:isInService’, function(isInService)) then???

Where can I Change the Hotkey to open the menu?

if u knew tell me plz

This should fix your problem:

_menuPool = MenuPool.New()
mainMenu = NativeUI.CreateMenu("Lightbar Menu", "")
    while true do
        if IsControlJustPressed(1, 201) then -- Change the menu keybind here https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/controls/

            for i = 1, #stationGarage do
            ply = GetPlayerPed(-1)
            plyCoords = GetEntityCoords(ply, 0)
            local distance = GetDistanceBetweenCoords(stationGarage[i].x, stationGarage[i].y, stationGarage[i].z, plyCoords["x"], plyCoords["y"], plyCoords["z"], true)
            if(distance < stationGarage[i].r) then 
            mainMenu:Visible(not mainMenu:Visible())

Change :

if IsControlJustPressed(1, 201) then

to the one you want, you can get the keybind codes here:

Light bars are saved as entity’s and props, just like the object spawner, so I guess no, unless it is saved as an addon prop(mod) or added to lscustoms

so how can we make this script special only for the police

Replace F6 =167 keybind with the one you want
Here you have all keybinds for fivem.

soo bad… .dont work

it does work, Maybe read the post or the README. U need to be at the PD to make it work

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OK, So i have a problem, When i place a lightbar inside of the car, The sirenglass on the vehicle blocks the lights so i cant see the lights flashing trough the window, Any idea?

This happends only in the back and the sides, Not the front

It does work properly, just u have to Install it properly.

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Can you send me the Version for ESX and only police? It would be nice

Working perfectly and sync with other players, but… Be aware of blowing up your car while having it on, because it will blow up couple of time. One siren for one more blow up.

Sirens not working ??? Help would be greatly appreciated, other than that lights are amazing

How can I do it for ESX and where do I have to do it if(ESX.TriggerServerCallback(‘esx_service:isInService’, function(isInService)) then insert