Change the second number on 433 in client.lua to whatever control you want.
See link for control numbers
Change the second number on 433 in client.lua to whatever control you want.
See link for control numbers
Doesn’t work for me. I am trying to go to the locations and press F6 and nothing happends, all resources are in.
I modified this a little, if you want to add it. I made it so you can rotate the lights 90°
if (IsControlJustReleased(1, 209)) then -- rotate 90
zrot = zrot + 90
DetachEntity(newVeh, 0, 0)
AttachEntityToEntity(newVeh, GetVehiclePedIsIn(player, false), 0, xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, xrot, yrot, zrot, true, true, true, true, 0, true)
It uses Left Shift to rotate
And updated the help text to reflect the change.
AddTextComponentString("and Insert and Delete for rotation. Left Shift to rotate 90°. SPACE to save, DELETE to cancel")
hm okay.
This script works wonderful
where i must chanced this`?
Make sure you are running NativeUI
Yeah, just watch the video
I have already it running hmm.
Are you sure you’re at the locations shown in the screenshots/in the video? Also, do you have any other scripts using F6. If not, take a screenshot of the f8 console and send it to me.
At the moment I don’t have any scripts using the keybing “F6” I have been at several of the locations but still not showing up
Do you think its possible to add amber lights to this menu aswell? that would be sick for non-police roleplayers!
I could yes, it will take a bit, as I am busy, however, if anyone would like to do this all you have to do is takea copy of whatever lightbar model you want to use (I would recommend one of the stick lights) and convert the carols to change them to amber.
Hey! I’m having a bit of an issue, some of the movement keys outright dont work. (arrow up, pg down, pg up, insert and delete.) but all the other movement keys work rather well. Thanks for reading and I look forward to your reply.
can you modify it so you can rotate 90 degrees vertically aswell?
Interesting concept. Awesome demonstration videos by the way. Keep up the good work.
if you have csr menu that might be why and did you start nativeui before the menu?
how would you go about adding lightbars?
is it possible for you to make it so that you can rotate the lights so it faces another way?