[Release] ksrp_mats

Hello People!

Is it time to a new script from my side? Or what do you say people?

This script did I made for my FiveM server for about one or two months ago. I have given this script to some people and there have been a lot of people that has asked me if I ever will release this script or if I will release any script like this, now I’m doin it.


Now you think, what is so special about this scripts unlike the other scripts?
Yeah, this is a quest there you are helpnig a man that is called “Mats” with some missions. Now there are only one mission to do. But there will hopefully come more in the future.

Coming Feautres

More questions that is connected like a thread. So you can unlock missions by doing the missions before.

Things to know

Please tell me what you thought and what could be improved! All suggestions are taken care of!
Don’t take cred for this script and do re-release it if you have made any change but link from the original must be added.

Thank you

Thank you for downloading my script and hopefully yousing it. I appreciate if you let the name of the script stand like “ksrp_mats”. Let me know if you liked the script!



Releases · xBlueSI/ksrp_mats · GitHub


Cleared out the event “teleportentity” that went there by a mistake. And added the timer back again in the server/main.lua


Hi! Just a question, what does the mission do? <3

You have talked about the script, not what actually it does.

I take it this is just a rework from car theft ???

	['cartheif_blip'] = 'CarTheif',

The code is aids, I wouldn’t use something that is a complete copy of another script but just a remake of functions.
Consider in doing it YOUR way instead and you should might get a better response from me and others.

In the current state of this script I won’t use it.

Copied the locates first for the template of the locates.

What is this script copied form?

Cool script.

Well you just updated the files ^^ If I’d still have the “old” files there were functions from esx_carthief still remaining and I feel like that is not fair.

Might only be my opinion, can’t speak for others.

The thing is, he’s a scripter. He can make his own scripts, the thing is that he copied locales from his carthief script :slight_smile:


HAHA. What function from esx_cartheif? I copied the locates form my own cartheif

Would be cool to have so you hear a voice talking instead just my opinion cool do.

Well, you decided to update the file when you released what I was writing. I don’t have anything more to say, just sad how now a days scripter only copies and paste and then claim it’s theirs.

You clearly had function from client side from another script, but I don’t care anymore due to the update of the content. Still extremely sad to see.

And even tho you still try to save your butt makes it even more sad.

Not a dumb Idea! :slight_smile:

Why not translate the resource before releasing it to the english community?

Ive remade this now so you talk to him and a cam set to the ped. Looks dope. Not done yet though

Hello do you can type view how you do the marker??