[Release] K9 Script [REMOVED]

before I start cracking at this to see if I can get it to work with the current version of FiveM, has anyone gotten a updated version to work that could be uploaded?

is there anyway of changing the keybinds or something

or the controls

hello we have some bug with the k9 script it cause a bug when new person arrive on the server and create his player identity we are on esx script and dont know why its happen we have it on a other server and work perfectly with modified dog (german shepard , belgian shepard malinois) but can t copy cause we dont have the machine serveur acces anymore can you please help us find a way to make it work again ?

did anyone find out how to change the controls

Can anybody help me at all the menu won’t even open STILL. It’s installed correctly and it won’t work.

Same did you find a fix?

can you give me some help it tell me you dont have the right PED

When i put it in and i use /k9 or ctrl+home or alt+home it says something about whitelist and i dont have whitelist on my server

not sure if you managed to get a fix but i did you need to give the dog the bite weapon

Not sure if the OP is still supporting or developing this script. I recently finished a fully working K9 intergration with ESX_policejobs. Searches people, cars, attacks, follows, sits etc. Message me if you want.


[Release] K9 SCRIPT [WORKING] [UPDATED] updated version of this

So, I put this in to test it, the only thing I would change is the max distance you can be for the dog to start attacking and I would also put a config option seeing as the dog takes a very long time to actually “knock out” the target player. Other than that, PERFECT!

How do I get it to open

I believe its INSERT if its installed correctly.

Is there a script that works? I am really trying to find one for my community

I tried using it and pushing insert but like it dont open

I have a prob i have added the k9 but its not working i add warmenu and native ui menu too but its not working still when i go in game i do /k9 and notting happends pls help

found a fix. Make sure onesync is off.

Hey! First of all great script! I love it. However I have a question. I am not that good of a scripter yet, but anyone can spawn the K9 from what I read in the comments the police should only be allowed to spawn it. Is there something I need to change or?