Player ID/Name with Ace permission based staff tag.
/staff – Toggle Staff Tag (needs ace permission jd.staff)
/seeTags – Toggle tag viable trough walls (needs ace permission jd.staff)
/showTags – Toggle player tags client side
Place the JD_playerID folder in your Resource folder
add ensure JD_playerID
to youre server.cfg
add ace permissions to people wo need to be able to use /staff
and /seeTags
add_ace group.admin jd.staff allow
start your server
Nice release! Would also be nice to see a function which triggers the event when holding down a button, instead of a toggle function
Comes in handy for those fast action moves.
August 12, 2020, 1:01pm
nice really love it i will test it over the next few days in my community
1 Like
awesome script, is there a way to make multiple tags?
Am I able to toggle names for just admins to see overhead player names? And also does this work with OneSync? Because I was having troubles getting it to work.
There is no option to just show it for admins.
And yes it works with onesync
Does it work with onesync infinity ?
Where can I change the Font/Size of the printed text?
Since im using MpGamerTag to make the text you can’t change the size.
Nope sorry, its not drawing text, it’s using rockstar games player tags
1 Like
Ah, okay thanks. Good release
October 8, 2020, 7:52pm
How can I let only the ID and not the name show
October 30, 2020, 7:37pm
Could anyone help me please to get the ESX Firstname/Lastname as shown name? I dont know to call the specific name into the loop. Would be extrem happy if somebody could give me a hint
It is posible to use only the /staff (staff tag) and not the other ones?
Not but this is easy to make.
Change GetPlayerName(iPed)
to the ESX charachter names. you’ll need to call them somehow with ESX
Yes you can remove the GetPlayerName(iPed)
Its working fine, but the ID’s shown in the script are not the actual database ID’s. Wow can o fix it?
Note: Im using onesync Infinity, could it be the problem?
Its working fine, but the ID’s shown in the script are not the actual database ID’s. Wow can o fix it?
Note: Im using onesync Infinity, could it be the problem?
it’s using current server id
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