[Release] IL New Dawn


You can’t display the function unless you are making a music player. If you want more " support " please follow the support link on the GitHub.

Hi @Newton !

Thank you ! Google helped me a lot on that. :slight_smile:

This is cool, apparently when I use this awesome loading screen. it seems like that images are not changing. :frowning:

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I still don’t get this as well.

    <source src="https://media.infinity-legion.fr/music/loading.mp3" type="audio/mp3">

What should I replace this line so I can use an uploaded mp3 instead? I understand that I need to add a music folder.


Make sure your image are activated in the ressource.

I suggest you to use a webserver instead of mp3 local files to avoid bug.

There is some free webhost for MP3 on google feel free to use it. Just upload your music, get your link and replace the default one and it should work if everything is done correctly.