[Release] Hypnonema - Media Player Resource (Twitch,YouTube and more) [C#]

Very nice update!! unfortunately you can’t change the volume anymore :frowning:

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A way to Sync multiple screens together would be amazing, I’ve set up the Vinewood Bowl with 3 screens and it looks amazing but the screens are very hard to sync up.

Hey for some reason the scipt doesnt load as it is…if I move the fxmanifest to the main folder it does but then nothing works. I have it to run as it states in the .cfg but when I look to see if resource running it shows it is not. As well I cant start it as its not found. Seems as though there is no file to load. Im sure this is a simple thing I missed. Thanks for anyone with guidence as the old version had it in the main folder. Thanks to all!!! Love the script

What was it?

How would i change the resolution when playing on the cinema screen?

Could someone provide me with a very basic example of how to export the resource data with a command?

I have tried to do a basic command to get the list of screens, but I get this error.

SCRIPT ERROR: citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:867: No such export getScreenList in resource hyponema

I have tried with this simple script.


RegisterCommand("sorienrot", function()

AddEventHandler("sorienrot:troll", function()
    print "aaaaa"
    --exports.hypnonema:play("Galaxy 1", "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zq-w4JIsGLo")
    local screens = json.decode(exports.hypnonema:getScreenList())
    print screens
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I have one error.
Can someone helps me?

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i cant make new screens I’m admin and i have even tried turning it on for everyone to edit but nothing works it just dose not add new screen to list ever can someone help me with this ?

Why is the LOD for this so insane?

Hi I installed the plugin on QB-Core and it worked nicely for a while now we updated qbcore and hypnonema and it says that we are not permitted to play videos on a screen or edit screens, despite we are admins and I also tried to make it possible for everyone and with the specific admin group of qbcore but nothing works it says everytime that we are not permitted. Does anyone have a fix for that?

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This is absolutely genius, literally one of the best scripts out there, how is this not in every server, best script I have so far, or atleast one of the top

sick man

same issue

Dont work for me when I open the panel and try to stream an url nothing response. Also when i try to change the screens and click on submit no response and save when i click on the cross.

Sometimes it happens when you insert a video, the sound starts to be interrupted, but the video goes smoothly.Pressing stop and restarting doesn’t help. Only full restart of the server helps. Who knows how to fix this?

Does anyone know the render name for the screen at Michael’s safe house, the projector one in the living room? The target is tvscreen, but I’ve tried all the model names and I only get the audio. I’ve done a dozen screens in Los Santos and this is the only one that has failed me so far.

GetHashKey(“v_ilev_mm_scre_off”), – michael projector
GetHashKey(“v_ilev_mm_screen2”), – overlay (on) render target
GetHashKey(“v_ilev_mm_screen2_vl”), – overlay

edit: code walker gives the screen as v_ilev_mm_scre_off - which implies the tv is off. I tried it as well as the other 2 above. None give video, just the audio. The screen in Jimmy’s room does work perfectly, but not the one downstairs.

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hi there ,. i have a question . using a tv prop from openIV ,. would there be a way to use that prop in ZMOdeler to put it on a vehicle,. and then have that tv useable in game with either loaf_tv or any other tv script

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What Client is this? Standalone or QB-Core?

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Hello, how to add permissions on job?

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Would be nice to show any given website (and add a whitelist of accepted domain names).

I would like to use the screen to show the Leaderboard of our website.

Is there any way this could happen?