[Release] Hypnonema - Media Player Resource (Twitch,YouTube and more) [C#]

i dont know what you guys are doing but i seem to be able to run my copy no problems … throw into folder … load up… run command and away i go ~
i havent used it in a bit tho maybe it broke … maybe a url changed ? thier are a few reference urls

which version do u use?

upon further inspection this does appear broken and i suspect citizen has changed something … if you roll back to an eariler version of the server/client it might work ~

you mean artifacts? which one to be specific?

which version?

hey whats the coors to the cinema ?

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no idea what artifact …and its just a guess by the error, it looks like its something with citizen itself, id roll back a month and see if it works if not go back further ~
if someone figures out the last one that worked please post what revision it is :slight_smile:
tbh im not even sure if you can roll back the client ~ their must be a way in the ini’s

I don’t think anything will be done on the script, the manufacturer doesn’t give a statement about it either

The LOD on this seems huuuuge? Driving down the motorway and when you hit the tunnel you start loading it in but can’t even see it yet.

@crankBooty you can see on the releases page this guy releases once every few months, be patient, just because they dont talk here … im sure thell release a new version sometime in the next few months, if not a bug fix sooner ~

Having this error please help

same problem

The resource is working again. :slight_smile:
Hf gl


What is causing this error?

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told you everyone lol just needed to be patient … theirs a new release on the git :wink:


It’s good !

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Guys everything is working and so on , but i have an issue where the movie even on volume 100 is too low. Im using Pma-voice if it could be the issue. Any tips on how to raise the volume above 100?

Actually i found out how to raise the volume , when you uncheck the 3d volume on screen settings , 3 more options popup , volume something(can’t remember what) if closer to 0 it will be louder , try not to put it on 0 because its pretty loud try with 5 , the other 2 options are how near and how far can be heard of the screen.

Can any one give me the screen options XYZ :smiley: ?

Hi there,

Can anyone please tell me if it is possible to change the location of set the location for hypnonema-map?
example: Instead of it being on the beach, have it at Diamon Casino Car Park.

or is there a way to make additional screens just like there is on the beach so we can freely locate them where we want them?

i’ve tried codewalker29 with no luck.

any help would be much appreciated

Thanks in advance