[Release] Hunger/Thirst HUD

I keep getting asked to release this HUD, cause I’ve made it for multiple servers. So I thought let’s give something to the community!

Hereby I present my HUD

Feature list

  • Displays health, armor, thirst and hunger
  • Has a built-in voice range system
  • Ability to toggle HUD /togglehud [on/off]

Download link

All the information is stated in the Readme.md

I hope you’ll like this HUD, Cheers !

I forgot the images :slight_smile:


HUD Damaged


hey dude before it starts, can you add photos and/or a video

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Do you have any pictures of the hud? Please include them.

Please see Releases Rules and F.A.Q about “quality” such as using deprecated events like “chatMessage”, and like said above add some screenshots

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Yeah, totally forgot that there was a deprecated event, but I did update it

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thank you for the release!

Im having an issue…the thirst bar works. the voice doesnt move as well as the hunger. when i drink a beer the hunger meter fills but food wont move it.

Yeah the food and water doe’s not work on this resource health works and the voice bar but other than that nothing else works.

That is weird, cause it’s even deployed on a live server. With the stock esx_status and esx_basicneeds.

So it runs using basic needs ect as the health food water hud i am using at present doe’s not so maybe that is the reason why its not working.

I think thats because in esx_status they added a function called esx_status:onTick and i use that to refresh the interface

So I went from esx_customui to this hud. What you need to do is replace all the code you altered to get esx_customui to work. ie go back to the “vanilla” status and basic needs scripts. Rather than just redownload the scripts and put them in, just follow the esx_customui README and undo anything you would have to do. You can always refer to the vanilla scripts on Github (Look up ESX Status and ESX basicneeds). On Github you can drill down to the script and just copy the functions to replace back to vanilla. I do this because I know the current script works and just need to remod a section. After that, your Hunger / Thirts bars should work just fine.

What is the grey bar for? Someone said Stamina?


With OneSync only u can see on talking moving the mouth of yourself not by others…
Howto fix that others also see the mouth moving not only by yourself??


Hey so i got the hud it works and all but when i eat breas it does not move but when i drink water the hinger and the thirst bar fills up can someone help me please?


sorry… Maybe u know why food bar doesnt working for me? :frowning:


Same not woring the eat and drink bar… Someone a sollution… Creator of this topic???

Nice, just one question where does it display armor?