[Release] Heli Script

The video doesn’t work :confused:

Thanks, should be fixed :slight_smile:

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Now worries, happy to let you know bro :slight_smile:

Disable the controller by adding GetLastInputMethod( 0 ) in line 76 of heli_client.lua, just replace your line with this one or add what i added, it will disable the controller keybind:

if IsControlJustPressed(0, toggle_spotlight) and GetLastInputMethod( 0 ) and GetPedInVehicleSeat(heli, -1) == lPed and not helicam then

Good evening guys

I had a small suggestion, do you think it’s possible to have the name of the targeted streets with the camera.

for example, we aim for a vehicle that is on gringer street, and the helicopter 3 streets away …
we will have the position of the vehicle and not the helicopter …

Thank you :wink:

hm i mean im far from an expert on the matter, but technicly,since the script catches the location for the target vehicle

local targetposx, targetposy, targetposz = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(target_vehicle))

and you then pass it on to get the street name like on Emergency location message ) then that might be a thing, actually a cool idea , worth lookin into


well did a quick n dirty test, definetly works . Can always expand that with heading and stuff so yeah , its a thing xD


Wow nice! Defiantly very cool, will be awesome for pursuits to have the street name, im no expert on streets lol

@LordKillmore How do we get that into our script cause that just what we been looking for?

Well you can add a viewmode for it in :

function ChangeVision()

or edit one of the existing ones . and then basicly what i did for the location for example was

function RenderVehicleInfo(vehicle)
	if DoesEntityExist(vehicle) then
		local model = GetEntityModel(vehicle)
		local vehname = GetLabelText(GetDisplayNameFromVehicleModel(model))
		local licenseplate = GetVehicleNumberPlateText(vehicle)
		--Streetnames Check	------------------
        local x,y,z = table.unpack(GetEntityCoords(vehicle, false))
        local streetName, crossing = GetStreetNameAtCoord(x, y, z)
        streetName = GetStreetNameFromHashKey(streetName)
        local location = ""
		if crossing ~= 0 then
        crossing = GetStreetNameFromHashKey(crossing)
        location = streetName .. ", " .. crossing 
        location = streetName 

so the text is aligned in the center
and add the “location” var to the output text like the other values.
I can post the whole thing later if ppl need it but its always nice to try stuff out yourself first ^^

also accidently replied to the wrong person and have no idea how to fix it so , sorry xD


Hello !!

I try to ad this option in mys script, but i’m very bad in script .

Can you send me the all ?

Please ?
Thank you :wink:

Would prefer if you send us the whole file as it would make it so much easier in adding it in.

This is awesome!! Thank you, guys!

Just one thing, I can’t figure out what to press to go out of the heli cam back to gameplay camera. And when I die during flight, camera is still stuck in the air. Could you do something about it, please? :slight_smile:

Hi it’s not working for me can someone help me install it ? I dragged the file in the ressource folder started it on server.cfg but i can’t seem to make it work

Tried that, not working for me

are you using the correct helicopter that is defined in the script? you cant just use any helicopter unless you add the model in the script. it works fine for me

I’m using the polmav, replaced with lapd/chp helicopter

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make sure that the polmav is specified in the script as the helicopter that is using the camera

I can confirm it is working you must of installed it wrong.

I have a question. I use this mod, but for some reason the thermal & nightvision don’t work. But it also doesn’t work with the Mellotrainer.
Anyone know’s where this could come from?

Ok I’ll reinstall, thanks