[Release] GTA Loading Screen

FiveM GTA Loading Screen


This resource must be use with FiveM, it will show a vanilla GTA loading screen using HTML/CSS/JS.
Characters and background are showed randomly so your loading screen is “Never the same


Download the resource or git clone it and put it in your resources folder with the name fivem-gta-loading

In your citmp-server.yml file, add the resource:

 - fivem-gta-loading


How to change image files ?

Just replace files in files/img/background and files/img/characters

How to add/remove images and edit the animation duration time ?

Example :
You want to have just 3 backgrounds and 4 different characters.
Just edit files/js/loader.js with these values :

maxCharacters  = 4;
maxBackgrounds = 3;
animationTime  = 7000;

Be sure to only have 4 backgrounds and 3 characters images file in the /img folders and keep the files naming.

How to change music file ?

Replace files/sound/intro.ogg file, MP3 is not allowed in NUI browser

The volume is too loud, how can i change it ?

Replace the volume value in files/js/loader.js

volume = 0.4;


v0.0.1: First version


  • Change javascript library to use a modern one : VueJS
  • Bugfix : Math.round → Math.ceil ( 0 value could be possible )

v0.0.3: Remove “StopAudio” button ( NUI doesn’t support it )



This resource has been created during a live on twitch. If you want more informations, you can follow the little french baguette i am on twitch !
Twitch: Twitch

Twitter: x.com


Any screenshots or video? This sounds cool.

You’re too fast my friend :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice releases thanks !

I’m also curious of you phone system. Seems to be perfect ! (and to be honest, it’s the only point that miss me to launch my server at the moment :/). Did you share it somewhere ?

Thanks for your answers, keep the good job btor :slight_smile:


Hello Scapin

I’m currently working on a phone system with SMS/Games/Contacts/GPS point locations for services and more.
I don’t manage any server at the moment so i’m actually working just for fun.

Maybe the code of the phone will be open source, i dunno :slight_smile:


And just to be more precise, i don’t use EssentialMode but mysql-async from @brouznouf so all my current work is not directly pluggable with “common” scripts.

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Thanks for your answer Btor, hope you’ll do one, seems to be an awesome add and think that you’ll break the FiveM World with such script :slight_smile:

Good work :slight_smile:

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Inb4 this screen is seen on every server from now xD. haha nah but its well written, good job! love it! BTw that phone needs to be released though! sexy af! doesnt matter if its not compatible, let the devs play with it, its a very well done project.

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GG very good script good script and you share phone script at the end of video also :slight_smile:

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Where can I get such a phone?

dope !

Thanks for sharing

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good work awesome :wink:


Just commit a bug fix with first animation. Everythings must be okay now :slight_smile:

Hello guys,

Just a litle message to announce a new version. nothing “big” happened, i removed jQuery by a modern library : VueJS and fix a bug with the random values ( I used Math.round than Math.ceil )

I wanted to add a mute function but NUI seems to doesn’t like key listenner (my code worked on a browser but not on NUI) if anyone have the answer, tell me :slight_smile:

how do i get the music to play i changed the song


You can change the sound by replacing the file intro.ogg by yours

i did that and still doesn’t play it

Do you put an ogg vorbis sound ? mp3 is not supported

How could you put text?

To put text on every makeover ?? Yes, please?