[RELEASE] Grenade Launcher Less-Lethal

Hi, I present to you a non-lethal grenade launcher that can be used as LBD for different server whether US or even FR servers

Preview : https://streamable.com/xr38vp
Download : https://github.com/FrameDFS/grenadelauncher_lesslethal


Is this a replacement or a addon?

Next is a Tank less lethal :+1:


It only replaces the original damage of the grenade launcher

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Isn’t a grenade meant to explode and kill u tho?

The grenade launcher has been modified to do no damage so to be used by law enforcement as a flashball in France and other countries in my opinion

Nice release! Would be cool to see a launcher that shoots BZ gas grenades also :smiley:

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Why do you have all that data in the weapons.meta? You also need to stop using resource.lua.

All the data in the weapons.meta is simply all the data for the basic weapons of GTA and there is only the part of the grenade launcher which has been modified.
Then the resource.ua was changed to fxmanifest

It’s supposed to represent the 40mm Bean Bag Launcher / Rubber Bullet Launcher…

Yeah , you don’t need all of the other weapons in there…

OH MY GOD YESSSS…! Perfect release :heart:

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why i have the explosion