
A new way of seeing things.

GoPro Mod Thumbnail

:camera_flash: Features

  • Headcam: Attach a camera to your character’s forehead for cinematic shots. You have control over the camera’s rotation, making it perfect for dynamic in-game visuals.
  • Frozen Cam: Freeze the camera above your character’s head and track their movements. Ideal for creating unique viewpoints.
  • Static Cam: Similar to the frozen cam, but with manual control over the rotation. Great for static shots or observing the surroundings.

:gear: Downloads


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Github Page

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Direct Download

Click here (1.9 KB)


I want to see the preview please :smiley: it looks cool

Preview is now available, thank you for considering my mod

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Amazing job, maybe you can try to search for a gopro prop and put it on your shoulder or your head

interesting idea. i will look into it. thanks!

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