RELEASE - GiveallweaponsV3

I’ve included every weapon that I am aware of or can find at the time of this release. (Game Build 2699)

I did NOT include the muzzle brakes, grips or the different color schemes for the weapons. Maybe next time.

As always feel free to modify to how you want.
I skipped using the components in the video, sorry, but they are there and usable

add the items from the sql to your database, add the pictures or use your own, run the script and have fun!

Issues that I am aware of and don’t intend to fix right away:

For the special rounds and shells, once you run out all you have to do is open your inventory and use them again. It will give you the maximum amount.

You only need to buy 1 of each item to use. eg… You buy 1 suppressor and you can use it on the pistols, rifles, shotguns, etc.




Add [ESX] to your release post. Btw, in my opinion this could be standalone, can just do the suppressor for weapons on other method.

It’s open source you can do yourself.

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Giveallweapons ?

I find the same script with more options : [Release][ESX] Give all players item or weapon or money, Now can set time to auto give!

Feel free to use that if it fits what you want on your sever.

Cool Script but here are some Tips to Inprove on:

  1. stop using “__resource.lua” use “fxmanifest.lua” instead.
  2. Remove the Wait’s from the RegisterUsableItem functions. They are useless.
  3. Use PlayerPedId() instead of GetPlayerPedId(-1)
  4. Try using less “if” statements. You are currently checking if the currentWeapon is the right one, Twice.
  5. Try putting things in config files instead of Hardcoding it.

I hope this helped

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