[Release][GFX] Remove HP/ARMOUR Minimap + Remove Red Reticle

Dident work on my ESX server

It works perfectly Thank you!

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i got problems with that code. its annoy me big time
uncaught typeError: cannot read property toLocaleString of underfined (@trew_hud_ui/html/app.js:105)

let me know or DM me about it


Hello! I think that I have an RadarWhileDriving but is in the anticheat, and the anticheat is decrypted.

What should I do?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Just work in the car, anyone can help?

just search on all your scripts DisplayRadar(false) and set it to true :smiley:

search DisplayRadar(false) and set to true :smiley:

doesn’t work for me on esx legacy :confused:

Try this :

local minimap = RequestScaleformMovie(“minimap”)
SetRadarBigmapEnabled(true, false)
SetRadarBigmapEnabled(false, false)
while true do
BeginScaleformMovieMethod(minimap, “SETUP_HEALTH_ARMOUR”)

good job bro!

not found for my.

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Hey, i write an Open Source Hud and post it on my github (femabeh (femabeh) ¡ GitHub) and linked your resource.

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