[Release] Gangster Aim - Be like a real Badass

Hey guys!

I saw a lot of request to make this script compatible with FiveM → Gangster Aim - GTA5-Mods.com
So I’ve created a Script for that.

What exactly is Gangster Aim?
This script allows you to give different jobs the ability to aim like a gangster.

You can configurate jobs in the config.lua, which should aim like a boss.

Download here

Here’s a little video:

Simply put the “sepp_gangaim” folder in your resources and add “start sepp_gangaim” in your server.cfg!

Have fun!

	ped --[[ Ped ]], 
	toggle --[[ boolean ]]

Use it so that there is no animation curve when aiming

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Okay, thanks! :slight_smile:

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??? lmao

Very awesome! Great release!!

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:clown_face: what is it? You kidding me?
SetEnableHandcuffds(PlayerPedId(), true)

LOL this is hilarious

And he madethe script mhhhh interesting…

I apparently accidentally copied it in, the code has now been updated and now has a config.lua

Definitely getting this also nice eup clothes streaming any tips on those?

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finally i can act like gangster
good release bro :+1: :+1:

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Thanks :slight_smile:

Hey what’s your discord? Got a few questions like could u assign this to multiple jobs and am I the only one dealing with a bug after a while u can’t bring out weapon? Might be config with another script it’s cool I’ll keep this forsure

Do you allow me to make & release a version of qbcore compatible?

If you would mention me, sure!

For sure i’ll give you the original credits.

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@Seppily Got a question for you does your animation break like this when you aim

Download the latest version, should be fixed :wink:

You misht aswell want to push that to the repo.

And give some credits to @anzyy since your initial release it’s almost identical to what he posted way back

even the local ped is the exact same.