[RELEASE][FX] Gun Delete Object [old]

This is based off a function in the Jordan Menu. Once it’s turned on, you can use any weapon (fire extinguishers, tasers, and shotguns work best) and shoot it at the source of the entity. Sometimes it takes a few hits but usually hitting the center of a car works best.

Install it as any script you would install in a server.

/delgun on - turns the object deleter gun on
/delgun off - turns the object deleter gun off

Shoot at the entity.

V 1.0
GunDelObj.zip (1.5 KB)
V 1.1
GunDelObj 1.1.zip (2.7 KB)
V 1.1 Patch
GunDelObj 1.1 Patch.zip (2.7 KB)
V 2.0

V 1.0

  • Released

V 1.1

  • Added admin - you can make it so only people with whitelisted ids and ips can use the command.
  • Made it so if gun is enabled and you try to enable it , it gives a notification saying it’s already enabled.
  • Made it so if gun is disabled and you try to disable it, it gives a notification saying it’s already disabled.

V 1.1 Patch

  • Changed the command from /delobjgun to /delgun because of people.
  • Changed the default from everyoneAllowed to true instead of false.

v2.0 - Available Here

  • Made /delgun command a toggle
  • Option to delete object on aim or on gunshot
  • Changed permissions system to use Ace
  • Rewrote code so it’s not deprecated and cleaner

Open server.lua
Don’t touch the code. Look at the Config.

everyoneAllowed - It is True at default.

  • True - Everyone is allowed to use the command, you do not need to add anyone to the allowed table
  • False - You need to add people to the allowed table to give them permission to use the table

allowed - Enter your steam IDs and IPs. DO NOT forget the commas and do not add a comma at the end.

– Credits to @Havoc , @Flatracer , @Briglair , and @WolfKnight179 on forum.fivem.net for helping me create this
– Thanks to Ethan Rubinacci and Mark Curry
– Lots of thanks to @WolfKnight179 for help with the admin feature
– Special thanks to @Flatracer


Does this use an admin only function? Or can it be easily added…

Murfasa created this for our AST Clan server, we didn’t set it up with Admin Permissions, however we just haven’t revealed the commands to others. I’m sure if you hooked it with essential mode you would be able to add admin permissions to it.

I have added one, look at Update V1.1 :slight_smile:

Update V 1.1

  • Added admin - you can make it so only people with whitelisted ids and ips can use the command.
  • Made it so if gun is enabled and you try to enable it , it gives a notification saying it’s already enabled.
  • Made it so if gun is disabled and you try to disable it, it gives a notification saying it’s already disabled.

works great, super easy to clean up our server now.

1 Like

Awesome man! Thanks for the feedback. It’s a super useful tool I always use. :stuck_out_tongue: You should check out my other script: [Release][FX] Fix-Clean Vehicle Command

If you have any ideas, I’m bored so hmu and I’ll try it out :stuck_out_tongue:

we have been using it to clear out alley ways and parking lots for racing. Also there is always one dude that spawns 500 cars on accident and its the best for cleaning that up lol.

I am not getting this to work at all… it is not throwing errors and it does start just doesn’t work…

Did you make sure that everyoneallowed=truein the configuration or you added your steamID?

Yes I did all of that…

Do you have the latest version? Are you on cfx or fx? Have you added the script to the server.cfg? (Ik the are the basics but I’m still going to ask them). Does console not show any errors? What about if you press F8.

Well CFX doesn’t work anymore and honestly I think CFX need to be stricken for all vocabulary lol no offence… and yes I checked F8 and no errors… no errors in the console either… it starts just fine with no errors and when I turn if on for everyone to use
I enter /delobjgun on it just shows in chat and doesn’t activate

1 Like

Yep, I have the same issue.

Is there no sync for everyone? So that this effects all players? :smiley:

It doesn’t really sync with things that were there from before unfortunately, such as parts of structures that you can delete. However, items placed by players such as cars are synced.

@murfasa how do I find steam ip??

You run a server and don’t know how to get steam ID’s? Join the server, open the console on the backend, type in status, then hit enter.

For me it says returns true and it Dora not work

shame it’s not client sided… ugh