[RELEASE] [FREE] zeskoCarhud | Customizable Carhud that saves all the configurations of the players

Hi to all the people that is reading this post.
Today i’m presenting you my new optimized and customizable carhud, it has some good functions that in the future i will implement more functions.
Preview Image:

PD: In the video description i need to update it because before of publishing here i was selling it but no one bought it so i decided to publish it free

Preview Video: https://youtu.be/RO4InMV-12c

Carhud Options


Config = {
    UseKMH = true, -- Check this if you want to use KMH instead of MPH
    Texts = {
        ['notInCar'] = "You are not in a car, so you can't use this command"

How to use

When you are in a car just type /carhud in the chat to open the UI.
If you’re not in a car it will show you a notification but the UI will not open.


GitHub; GitHub - ZeskGarcia/zeskoCarhud: A FiveM carhud that can be customized by the players.
Documentation; soon

Other info

DISCLAIMER; This carhud has been made from 0 and it doesn’t need any dependencies.

Code is accessible Yes/No
Subscription-based Yes/No
Lines (approximately) +300
Requirements None, it’s standalone script.
Support Yes/No

Thank you for share that with us looking good.

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Thanks @Arielz i’m trying to do the best of me for scripts to share it here in the cfx.re forum, and that type of opinions helps me to be more active

Mini Update: v1.0.2

Added DEBUG logs in the script

I am glad to hear, best of luck do what u wish step by step :smile:.

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Greatfull! Thanks you for share that. :smile:

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Thanks @Cintass