[Release] [Free] Vehicle Spawner Menu

This is a simple menu I created for servers that want to keep it easy for new players to find cars.

I’ve added LEO departments and a fire department but if you want to only add civ vehicles it’s not that difficult just follow how the code is set up.


  • Easy config
  • Multiple departments
  • No spawn spamming
  • Easy to use

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very good

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F5 menu or is there a command to get it up?

Yes you can configure this in the config.lua there is options to open it with a button, with a command, or just a blue circle that you have to stand on.

Is there any permissions that can be setup? Why use this when there is menus out there with more stuff, like vMenu?

Nice and simple. I like it. Will definitely try it for my server.


The reason to use this is to be able to organize all the vehicles for their departments.

i need help can somone haelp

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Alright, but do you have any plans to add ace / discord permissions?

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Yes I do

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This looks like an older script called AddonCarSpawner. Been using it in my server for 2+ years. Same menu, same code, same config file setup, etc. I haven’t seen that script around forever so I’m sure this will be most welcome. It’s a good script.

Thank you for your comment, and just to clear it up the code isn’t really like AddonCarSpawner. I think AddonCarSpawner used NativeUI too but I’m not sure if it had a config file or anything like that I remember it only having client.lua and resource.lua. But either way enjoy it.

Is there a car limit?

No, you can add as many vehicles as you want.

Great Menu, got it from his discord but it goes well with his EUP Menu. Would def recommend.

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Great! Anyway to add more than 9 vehicles? I try to copy the code

Config.EnableSAHPVehicle10 = 1
Config.SAHPVehicleName10 = "example"
Config.SAHPSpawnCode10 = "examplecode"
Config.SAHPVehicleNotifcatoin10 = "You've recived the keys to a ~b~example"

But it only displays vehicles from 9 and below.


How do we add more than nine Cars ?? I followed the code and does not seem to work

You’d need to edit that on the menu.lua

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Can i get another link? The one posted don’t work?? If possible.

I deleted the repository. The script was just coded bad and people were having issues. I will update it tomorrow.

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