[RELEASE][FREE] RY-RENT | Vehicle Rental with UI, Timer and more

Hello thank you for this script, how can i modify the fonction in server.lua to take money from bank please? tried this: xPlayer.removeAccountMoney(bank,tonumber(amount)) but not working

Hello, next update i will add a option to pay with cash or bank!

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he guys. possible to make different rentals for cars, boats and airplanes?

can it use at ESX1.2? because I try to rent car , and the car will not spawn .

the DC link cant join server.

hello mate, standalone? thanks

Important Warning: Some people are trying to sell the script, please note that this project is completely free and if you notice that someone is selling it please send me a message to sort it out.

Thank you

Script is being redone, with code improvements, new functions, support to qbcore and bug fixes!
Stay tuned for a new version soon.

UPDATE - 22/11/2023

  • Code completely redone and some optimizations.
  • Added support for qbcore.
  • Added support for ox_target.
  • Some changes to the UI.

Other updates will be on the way, the most important thing now was to have a clean code where I can add more things easily.

You can download here

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It seems nice but unfortunately, I am unable to use it :frowning: Pressing to interact screen gets blury
1.Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined (https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.12.1/jquery-ui.min.js:6)
2.Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined (@ry_rent/html/js/index.js:16)

Hello, how can you use the script to take money from the bank and not from your hand?

Hello, you just have to change in the server/main.lua playerMoney = xPlayer.getAccount("money").money for playerMoney = xPlayer.getAccount("bank").money

keeps getting out of my hand

why not add qbTarget for qb

Hey, how can we make this work with qb-vehiclekeys, as of now if this is enabled then it doesnt give keys and the player steps out of the vehicle it locks them out of the car ?