Hello everyone,
Today I present a very simple script but a lot of people like it!
A clean and beautiful vehicle rental with NUI. With the ability to customize any image of any vehicle.
RY = {}
RY.Options = {
FrameWork = 'esx', -- esx or qb
enableRentTimer = true,
rentTime = 120,
priceMaxPerformance = 1000,
refundMoneyWhenDelivered = true,
deleteVehicleWhenFinished = true, -- delete vehicle when rent time is finished and not delivered? Default true
deleteTime = 25000, -- time in MS that vehicle will be deleted if 'deleteVehicleWhenFinished' is active and after rent time is finished.
-- Default 25000MS | 25Seconds.
oxTarget = {
enable = true, -- if false it will enable markers/3dtext
icons = {
menu = 'fa-solid fa-cube',
returnMenu = 'fa-solid fa-cube'
} ,
labels = {
menu = 'Vehicle Rental',
returnMenu = 'Return Vehicle'
RY.Messages = {
returnSuccess = "Successfully returned the vehicle, thank you!",
returnError = "You need to be in the vehicle you rented.",
noMoney = "You don't have enought money to rent the vehicle.",
refund = "Received refund of",
rentFinished = "Your rental time is up, thank you.",
alreadyRented = "You already rented a vehicle."
RY.Locations = {
['rent1'] = {
menuCoords = vector3(-1028.55, -2740.08, 20.16),
returnVehicleCoords = vector3(-1032.65,-2732.00,20.16),
vehicleSpawnCoords = {x =-1024.80, y =-2734.81, z=20.09, h=243.77},
-- Markers
markersConfig = {
markerMenu = {
useKey = 38, -- E
markerType = 2,
markerSize = {x = 0.3, y = 0.3, z = 0.3},
markerColor = {r = 255, g = 255, b = 255},
markerText = '[ ~g~E~w~ ] Rent Vehicle'
markerReturnMenu = {
useKey = 47, -- G
markerType = 2,
markerSize = {x = 0.3, y = 0.3, z = 0.3},
markerColor = {r = 255, g = 0, b = 0},
markerText = '[ ~g~G~w~ ] Return Vehicle'
-- Blips
blipsConfig = {
blipMenu = {
blipName = 'Rent Vehicle',
blipSprite = 523,
blipScale = 0.8,
blipColor = 2
blipReturnMenu = {
blipName = 'Return rented Vehicle',
blipSprite = 523,
blipScale = 0.8,
blipColor = 4
-- Vehicles
vehiclesConfig = {
[1] = {
vehicleModel = 'zentorno',
vehicleLabel = 'Mercedes AMG',
vehicleDescription = 'description example',
vehicleRentalPrice = 1000,
vehicleType = 'car',
vehicleImageName = 'amg.png'
-- 310x250 Pixels --
[2] = {
vehicleModel = 'bati',
vehicleLabel = 'BMW',
vehicleDescription = 'description example',
vehicleRentalPrice = 999,
vehicleType = 'car',
vehicleImageName = 'bmw.png'
[3] = {
vehicleModel = 'feltzer2',
vehicleLabel = 'Nissan GTR',
vehicleDescription = 'description example',
vehicleRentalPrice = 1000,
vehicleType = 'car',
vehicleImageName = 'gtr.png'
[4] = {
vehicleModel = 'cruiser',
vehicleLabel = 'Bicycle',
vehicleDescription = 'description example',
vehicleRentalPrice = 100,
vehicleType = 'bicycle',
vehicleImageName = 'bike.png'
--[[[5] = {
vehicleModel = 'cruiser',
vehicleLabel = 'Bicycle',
vehicleDescription = 'description example',
vehicleRentalPrice = 100,
vehicleType = 'bicycle',
vehicleImageName = 'bike.png'
--[['rent2'] = {
menuCoords = vector3(-1028.55, -2740.08, 20.16),
returnVehicleCoords = vector3(-1032.65,-2732.00,20.16),
vehicleSpawnCoords = {x =-1024.80, y =-2734.81, z=20.09, h=243.77},
markersConfig = {
markerMenu = {
useKey = 38, -- E
markerType = 2,
markerSize = {x = 0.3, y = 0.3, z = 0.3},
markerColor = {r = 255, g = 255, b = 255},
markerText = '[ ~g~E~w~ ] Rent Vehicle'
markerReturnMenu = {
useKey = 47, -- E
markerType = 2,
markerSize = {x = 0.3, y = 0.3, z = 0.3},
markerColor = {r = 255, g = 0, b = 0},
markerText = '[ ~g~E~w~ ] Return Vehicle'
blipsConfig = {
blipMenu = {
blipName = 'Rent Vehicle',
blipSprite = 523,
blipScale = 0.8,
blipColor = 2
blipReturnMenu = {
blipName = 'Return rented Vehicle',
blipSprite = 523,
blipScale = 0.8,
blipColor = 4
vehiclesConfig = {
[1] = {
vehicleModel = 'zentorno',
vehicleLabel = 'Mercedes AMG',
vehicleDescription = 'description example',
vehicleRentalPrice = 1000,
vehicleType = 'car',
vehicleImageName = 'amg.png'
-- 310x250 Pixels --
[2] = {
vehicleModel = 't20',
vehicleLabel = 'BMW',
vehicleDescription = 'description example',
vehicleRentalPrice = 1000,
vehicleType = 'car',
vehicleImageName = 'bmw.png'
[3] = {
vehicleModel = 'zentorno',
vehicleLabel = 'Nissan GTR',
vehicleDescription = 'description example',
vehicleRentalPrice = 1000,
vehicleType = 'car',
vehicleImageName = 'gtr.png'
[4] = {
vehicleModel = 'cruiser',
vehicleLabel = 'Bicycle',
vehicleDescription = 'description example',
vehicleRentalPrice = 1000,
vehicleType = 'bicycle',
vehicleImageName = 'amg.png'
}, ]]--
UPDATE - 22/11/2023
- Code completely redone and some optimizations.
- Added support for qbcore.
- Added support for ox_target.
- Added support for custom notification.
- Some changes to the UI.
Other updates will be on the way, the most important thing now was to have a clean code where I can add more things easily.
Download - Github
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Code is accessible | Yes |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | 500 |
Requirements | ESX or QB |
Support | Yes |