[RELEASE][FREE] RY-RENT | Vehicle Rental with UI, Timer and more

Hello everyone,
Today I present a very simple script but a lot of people like it!
A clean and beautiful vehicle rental with NUI. With the ability to customize any image of any vehicle.


RY = {}

RY.Options = {
    FrameWork = 'esx', -- esx or qb

    enableRentTimer = true, 
    rentTime = 120,

    priceMaxPerformance = 1000,
    refundMoneyWhenDelivered = true,
    deleteVehicleWhenFinished = true, -- delete vehicle when rent time is finished and not delivered? Default true
    deleteTime = 25000, -- time in MS that vehicle will be deleted if 'deleteVehicleWhenFinished' is active and after rent time is finished. 
    -- Default 25000MS | 25Seconds. 
    oxTarget = {
        enable = true, -- if false it will enable markers/3dtext
        icons = {
            menu = 'fa-solid fa-cube',
            returnMenu = 'fa-solid fa-cube'
        } ,
        labels = {
            menu = 'Vehicle Rental',
            returnMenu = 'Return Vehicle'

RY.Messages = {
    returnSuccess = "Successfully returned the vehicle, thank you!",
    returnError  = "You need to be in the vehicle you rented.",
    noMoney = "You don't have enought money to rent the vehicle.",
    refund = "Received refund of",
    rentFinished = "Your rental time is up, thank you.",
    alreadyRented = "You already rented a vehicle."

RY.Locations = {
    ['rent1'] = {
        menuCoords = vector3(-1028.55, -2740.08, 20.16),
        returnVehicleCoords = vector3(-1032.65,-2732.00,20.16),
        vehicleSpawnCoords = {x =-1024.80, y =-2734.81, z=20.09, h=243.77},

        -- Markers
        markersConfig = {
            markerMenu = {
                useKey = 38, -- E
                markerType = 2,
                markerSize  = {x = 0.3, y = 0.3, z = 0.3}, 
                markerColor = {r = 255, g = 255, b = 255},
                markerText = '[ ~g~E~w~ ] Rent Vehicle'
            markerReturnMenu = {
                useKey = 47, -- G
                markerType = 2,
                markerSize  = {x = 0.3, y = 0.3, z = 0.3}, 
                markerColor = {r = 255, g = 0, b = 0},
                markerText = '[ ~g~G~w~ ] Return Vehicle'

        -- Blips
        blipsConfig = {
            blipMenu = {
                blipName = 'Rent Vehicle',
                blipSprite = 523,
                blipScale = 0.8,
                blipColor = 2
            blipReturnMenu = {
                blipName = 'Return rented Vehicle',
                blipSprite = 523,
                blipScale = 0.8,
                blipColor = 4

        -- Vehicles
        vehiclesConfig = {
            [1] = {
                vehicleModel = 'zentorno',
                vehicleLabel = 'Mercedes AMG',
                vehicleDescription = 'description example',
                vehicleRentalPrice = 1000,
                vehicleType = 'car',
                vehicleImageName = 'amg.png'
                -- IMAGE RESOLUTION --
                -- 310x250 Pixels --
                -- IMAGE RESOLUTION --
            [2] = {
                vehicleModel = 'bati',
                vehicleLabel = 'BMW',
                vehicleDescription = 'description example',
                vehicleRentalPrice = 999,
                vehicleType = 'car',
                vehicleImageName = 'bmw.png'
            [3] = {
                vehicleModel = 'feltzer2',
                vehicleLabel = 'Nissan GTR',
                vehicleDescription = 'description example',
                vehicleRentalPrice = 1000,
                vehicleType = 'car',
                vehicleImageName = 'gtr.png'
            [4] = {
                vehicleModel = 'cruiser',
                vehicleLabel = 'Bicycle',
                vehicleDescription = 'description example',
                vehicleRentalPrice = 100,
                vehicleType = 'bicycle',
                vehicleImageName = 'bike.png'
            --[[[5] = {
                vehicleModel = 'cruiser',
                vehicleLabel = 'Bicycle',
                vehicleDescription = 'description example',
                vehicleRentalPrice = 100,
                vehicleType = 'bicycle',
                vehicleImageName = 'bike.png'
    --[['rent2'] = {
        menuCoords = vector3(-1028.55, -2740.08, 20.16),
        returnVehicleCoords = vector3(-1032.65,-2732.00,20.16),
        vehicleSpawnCoords = {x =-1024.80, y =-2734.81, z=20.09, h=243.77},

        markersConfig = {
            markerMenu = {
                useKey = 38, -- E
                markerType = 2,
                markerSize  = {x = 0.3, y = 0.3, z = 0.3}, 
                markerColor = {r = 255, g = 255, b = 255},
                markerText = '[ ~g~E~w~ ] Rent Vehicle'
            markerReturnMenu = {
                useKey = 47, -- E
                markerType = 2,
                markerSize  = {x = 0.3, y = 0.3, z = 0.3}, 
                markerColor = {r = 255, g = 0, b = 0},
                markerText = '[ ~g~E~w~ ] Return Vehicle'

        blipsConfig = {
            blipMenu = {
                blipName = 'Rent Vehicle',
                blipSprite = 523,
                blipScale = 0.8,
                blipColor = 2
            blipReturnMenu = {
                blipName = 'Return rented Vehicle',
                blipSprite = 523,
                blipScale = 0.8,
                blipColor = 4

        vehiclesConfig = {
            [1] = {
                vehicleModel = 'zentorno',
                vehicleLabel = 'Mercedes AMG',
                vehicleDescription = 'description example',
                vehicleRentalPrice = 1000,
                vehicleType = 'car',
                vehicleImageName = 'amg.png'
                -- IMAGE RESOLUTION --
                -- 310x250 Pixels --
                -- IMAGE RESOLUTION --
            [2] = {
                vehicleModel = 't20',
                vehicleLabel = 'BMW',
                vehicleDescription = 'description example',
                vehicleRentalPrice = 1000,
                vehicleType = 'car',
                vehicleImageName = 'bmw.png'
            [3] = {
                vehicleModel = 'zentorno',
                vehicleLabel = 'Nissan GTR',
                vehicleDescription = 'description example',
                vehicleRentalPrice = 1000,
                vehicleType = 'car',
                vehicleImageName = 'gtr.png'
            [4] = {
                vehicleModel = 'cruiser',
                vehicleLabel = 'Bicycle',
                vehicleDescription = 'description example',
                vehicleRentalPrice = 1000,
                vehicleType = 'bicycle',
                vehicleImageName = 'amg.png'
    }, ]]--


UPDATE - 22/11/2023

  • Code completely redone and some optimizations.
  • Added support for qbcore.
  • Added support for ox_target.
  • Added support for custom notification.
  • Some changes to the UI.

Other updates will be on the way, the most important thing now was to have a clean code where I can add more things easily.

Download - Github
Need a Custom Script? Message me on Fiverr

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 500
Requirements ESX or QB
Support Yes

Let me tell you ! Well done on the UI. Its smooth and easy adjustable. Is there a way I can change the Currency on the UI? I cant seem to find where I can change it. This is what I have done on my edit


Hello, thank you for your feedback! Yes you can adjust the currency in html/js/functions.js line 16

 <div class="footer-price">${vehicle.price}$</div>

Many thanks! Maybe you could also add a Return spot?

1 Like

Sure! in a few hours I will release some updates including that

Are you serious. My duuuuuuude… You are quick-fast hey :laughing:

1 Like


  • Added return spot
    – A blip will appear on the map for you to return the vehicle.
    – You can only return if the vehicle is really what you rented.
    – The blip will disappear if you don’t have a rented vehicle.
    – All of this fully configurable in the config for each location.

  • Added Currency Option in html/js/config.js:9 so you can change the currency more easily.


  • Timer to return the vehicle.
  • More options in NUI.

Download now in Github


Thank you so so much!!! I hope to see more of your work!!

You’re welcome! Suggestions are open and if you find any bugs try to quickly let me know :smile:

That’s my boy ! <3

1 Like

Good job!

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nice bro but
not working with me i did change the cars but wont spawn and theres no error

Nice work, we all needed a more beautiful and new car rent, yours is perfect, if it weren’t for the code optimization, which I thought of.

ESX = exports.es_extended:getSharedObject()
InMenu = false
sleep = true

Options = {
    vehicle = {
        hash = 0,
    last_location = '',
    have_rented = false,
    blips = {}

for k, v in pairs(Config.Locations) do
    rent = AddBlipForCoord(v.coords.x, v.coords.y, v.coords.z)

    SetBlipSprite (rent, v.blips.spawn.sprite)
    SetBlipDisplay(rent, 4)
    SetBlipScale  (rent, 0.65)
    SetBlipAsShortRange(rent, true)
    SetBlipColour(rent, v.blips.spawn.color)


    while true do 
        sleep = true
        local playerPed = PlayerPedId()
        local coords = GetEntityCoords(playerPed)
        for k,v in pairs(Config.Locations) do
            if not InMenu then
                local distance = #(coords - v.coords)
                local return_distance = #(coords - v.return_coords) 

                if distance < 1 then
                    sleep = false
                    DrawText3D(v.coords.x, v.coords.y, v.coords.z + 0.25, v.markers.spawn.text)
                    if IsControlJustReleased(0, v.markers.spawn.key) then
                        Options.last_location = k

                if distance <= 15 then
                    sleep = false
                    DrawMarker(v.markers.spawn.type, v.coords.x, v.coords.y, v.coords.z, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, v.markers.spawn.size.x, v.markers.spawn.size.y, v.markers.spawn.size.z, v.markers.spawn.color.r, v.markers.spawn.color.g, v.markers.spawn.color.b, 50, false, true, 2, false, nil, nil, false)

                if Options.have_rented then
                    if return_distance < 3 then
                        sleep = false
                        DrawText3D(v.return_coords.x, v.return_coords.y, v.return_coords.z + 0.25, v.markers.return_spot.text)
                        if IsControlJustReleased(0, v.markers.return_spot.key) then
                    sleep = false
                    if return_distance <= 15 then
                        DrawMarker(v.markers.return_spot.type, v.return_coords.x, v.return_coords.y, v.return_coords.z, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, v.markers.return_spot.size.x, v.markers.return_spot.size.y, v.markers.return_spot.size.z, v.markers.return_spot.color.r, v.markers.return_spot.color.g, v.markers.return_spot.color.b, 50, false, true, 2, false, nil, nil, false)
        if sleep then

In this way the code is always 0.00 in idle and take ms only when the script is really called.
I have removed also a lot of useless stuff, if you want you can take this code and improve the script performace (all is already tested, blip, marker etc etc)

Resmon Preview


1 Like

Hello NaShMiJo,
Can you show me the config?

Thank you so much for the feedback, and I will definitely use this code!

1 Like

This is working so amazing for my server. Thank you! One question, can there be no fix for the html to extend the amount of vehicles, as I want to use this as a “Car Rental” option at the Airport. Maybe that could be more of a variety, don’t you think? If that was possible

1 Like

Sure! In the next update we have that :smile:

UPDATE - 30/07/2022

  • Now you can add more then 4 vehicles. Video

Download - Github

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Since it seems like you ignore or dont understand the PRs i made:

With this in the fxmanifest:

You dont need those:

And for the Server.lua

replace this

AddEventHandler('ry_rent:pay', function(amount)
	local _source = source
  local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(_source)
  TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', source, 'You paid ~g~' .. amount .. '~w~$ to rent the vehicle.')

with this:

AddEventHandler('ry_rent:pay', function(amount)
    local _source = source
    local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(_source)
    local Money = xPlayer.getAccount('money').money

    if Money >= amount then 
        TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', source, 'You paid ~g~' .. amount .. '~w~$ to rent the vehicle.')
        TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', source, 'You dont have enough Money to rent a vehicle.')

then you cant randomly spam cars and get your self in negative Money.

And you can add your Config.lua from

server_script and client_script to shared_script too.

Hello ofcShiro,
I didn’t ignore it, I just didn’t see ahah
But thanks a lot for the suggestion, I will definitely implement it :smile: