[RELEASE] [FREE] [QB] HouseRobbery | WIP!

PREVIEW (Updated)


Simple house robbery script. Its my first resource so feedback and feature ideas are very much appreciated.


  • Some type of puzzle/minigame when entering Added using qb-skillbar (Maybe custom minigame in the future)
  • Police alert (Either failed skillcheck on alarm system or on movement speed) linden_outlawalert addded when skillcheck fails
  • Item requierment to start (So it has a risk of some sort if you are not succsessfull)
  • Code cleanup
  • idk something else



Sounds good, can’t wait for the preview to upload. As feedback, in my opinion all of those 4 ‘To-do’ list things should be made soon, because at the moment it seems to be a little too simple and definetly needs more challenge and features.

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Yeah fair enough. Gonna put some work into it tonight!

i hope u can make for esx also : )

Never really developed on ESX before but I will see what I can do once its fully finished.

Why using cl_drawtextui instead of the original cd_drawtextui?

edit- You have a typo its not that your using a different version my bad lol

Is there an item that you need in order to get a location from Mr. Mint? I just downloaded the mod and dependencies but I am unable to get the “get location” icon to show up. It is just Mr. Mint standing there.

So when you look at him using qb-target no option showes up?

Correct, nothing comes up. I was just wondering if i had to have something in my inventory prior to getting the mission.

No there is no item requierment. Just hold LALT and look at him.

Man, shows how much of a noob I am. I did not realize LALT activated the option of qb-target. Thank you! Keep up the good work bud!

No problemo, thank you :+1:

Are these houses you rob instances of player houses that can be purchased? If it isn’t, it would be nice to implement searching with BT-target to get rid of those blips. But so far, this is looking very promising. Kinda like its more of a job than walking up to houses hoping for a “REQUIRED” prompt to show up.