[RELEASE][FREE] Future’s Electric Chair | Execute In Style

Hello! I Would Like to present the FIRST FiveM Electric Chair Script!

:electric_plug::zap: Introducing Electric Chair Script: Experience Electrifying Roleplay! :zap::electric_plug:

:video_game: Seeking an electrifying addition to your FiveM server? Look no further! We’re thrilled to present our sensational Electric Chair script, designed to inject intense roleplay moments into your virtual world. Get ready to shock your players with an unparalleled experience!

:battery: The Electric Chair script brings a thrilling execution scenario to life, complete with realistic animations and spine-tingling effects. With a simple command, players can activate the electric chair, turning an ordinary scene into an adrenaline-fueled spectacle that will leave everyone on the edge of their seats.

:boom: Immerse your players in a carefully crafted sequence that showcases the raw power of electricity. As the command is executed, the player is swiftly positioned on the chair, their vision obscured by a blindfold. Then, the electrifying journey begins as their character enters a ragdoll state, convincingly simulating the shock’s impact. Health deteriorates progressively, adding to the heart-pounding suspense.

:performing_arts: Customization is key! Tailor the script to suit your server’s unique atmosphere and requirements. Adjust the command name, proximity settings, chair positioning, animation details, and more through the intuitive configuration file. With this flexibility, you can create a truly immersive and memorable roleplaying experience for your community.

:bulb: Step into the shoes of an executioner, a victim, or a witness - the choice is yours! Whether you’re seeking a thrilling criminal justice system, intense interrogation scenes, or captivating roleplay scenarios, the Electric Chair script will electrify your server, leaving players hungry for more.

:globe_with_meridians: Ready to embrace the electric atmosphere? Don’t miss out on this electrifying opportunity! Head over to our thread on the FiveM forums to download the script, get additional information, and join the discussion. Your players will thank you for the adrenaline rush!

:warning: Disclaimer: The Electric Chair script is intended for mature roleplay communities. Please ensure all usage adheres to your server’s rules and guidelines regarding sensitive content and player consent.

Don’t let your roleplay fall flat - ignite the sparks with the Electric Chair script! :zap::electric_plug:

Download the script here: GitHub - awesoemgaming/future-Electric-Chair: This is an electricchair script for FiveM.

Preview: [FREE] Future Electric Chair | Execute Player's With Style - YouTube

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 150 +
Requirements none (qbcore for notifications)
Support Yes



I second this

hey , i dont know if your aware but your missing server.lua file completely ?

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Server.lua file is not required for this

Just added it. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

sorry to bother ya again but either it takes a bit to update fully but doesn’t look like it went thru

What do you mean?

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You coded it really bad, I sent a Issue for a fix. Enjoy :smiley:

Very cool, thanks!!

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was the fix added? If not could you share it? xD

Yes. I have fixed it but I hav not had time to update the GitHub.

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