[RELEASE] [FREE] [ESX/QBCORE/STANDALONE] Advanced Vinewood Sign System


Advanced Vinewood Sign | FiveM


Only white in color at night | Example

Every other color at night | Example


  • Custom UI
  • Configurable
  • Optimized (0.0ms idle)


  1. Drag Ricky-VinewoodSign in your resource folder
  2. Setup config
  3. Add ensure Ricky-VinewoodSign in your server.cfg
  4. Start the server.

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Nice script! Just got the problem that when executing command UI isnt opening (QBCORE)

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You probably don’t have administrator permission, try running this command from the console

addpermission [id] admin

yessir I do :slight_smile: Setted it up ! But still not working , no errors tho


  • Increased LOD Distance (From 200 to 2000)

The changes are already uploaded to github

If he doesn’t open it the only problem could be the permission, he doesn’t do any further checks. Try placing a fingerprint inside the authorization control.

bro run it standalone add your discord id works a dream was just about to ask about lod but u did already thankyou!!

not opening for me either for qb

if you use qb then replace in orginal it check for job not Permission

local Player = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(source)
        for k, v in pairs(Config.AuthorizedGroups.group) do 
            if QBCore.Functions.HasPermission(source, 'god') or IsPlayerAceAllowed(source, 'command') then
                return true
                return false
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  • QBCore fixed version

I apologize for the stupid mistake (I didn’t save the server side) :upside_down_face:

With this code you only authorize ‘god’ to access the menu, I recommend you download the update

Why only 8 letters?

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There are only 8 letter holders, it made no sense to add more

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Alot of cities out there that put there names up that are more than 8 letters. I love the UI and tablet look. I think if you added in the functionality of even a lower set of letters to be included so people could use 2 words would really set this apart. I have currently done my own through Codewalker which I like but for people that do not know how to do this and would like this functionality in game I think it would be benificial to alot to inlcude more letters. If I can help in anyway I would be more than happy to.

some member on my server crash because of this file how to fix [ESX]

if you add empty latter that will help alot


HOW INSTAL THE Distance ??

I released it here. Github

The letter N is not centered, when you use it in the script it is inside the metal frame of the sign
Can you fix it?