If he doesn’t open it the only problem could be the permission, he doesn’t do any further checks. Try placing a fingerprint inside the authorization control.
if you use qb then replace in orginal it check for job not Permission
local Player = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(source)
for k, v in pairs(Config.AuthorizedGroups.group) do
if QBCore.Functions.HasPermission(source, 'god') or IsPlayerAceAllowed(source, 'command') then
return true
return false
Alot of cities out there that put there names up that are more than 8 letters. I love the UI and tablet look. I think if you added in the functionality of even a lower set of letters to be included so people could use 2 words would really set this apart. I have currently done my own through Codewalker which I like but for people that do not know how to do this and would like this functionality in game I think it would be benificial to alot to inlcude more letters. If I can help in anyway I would be more than happy to.