[RELEASE] [FREE] [ESX] Advanced Boss Menu System


Advanced Boss Menu | FiveM



  • esx
  • oxmysql


  • Custom UI
  • Configurable
  • Optimized (0.0ms idle)


  1. Drag Ricky-BossMenu in your resource folder
  2. Execute SQL File
  3. Setup config
  4. Add ensure Ricky-BossMenu in your server.cfg
  5. Start the server.


Open Boss Menu

exports['Ricky-BossMenu']:OpenBossMenu(job) – ONLY CLIENT SIDE

Get Society Money

exports['Ricky-BossMenu']:GetSocietyMoney(job) – CLIENT SIDE AND SERVER SIDE

Video Preview


where i have to add the exports?

1 Like

Hi, this is an example with ox lib marker:

local point = lib.points.new({
    coords = GetEntityCoords(cache.ped),
    distance = 5,
    dunak = 'nerd',
function point:nearby()
    DrawMarker(2, self.coords.x, self.coords.y, self.coords.z, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 180.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 200, 20, 20, 50, false, true, 2, false, nil, nil, false)
    if self.currentDistance < 1 and IsControlJustReleased(0, 38) then

really nice design

1 Like

Thank you!


  • Fix Console error

Update is avaiable on github

The resource is really nice, but there are some problems when setting it up and grading it.
The rank corresponding to the selection is not the one that applies to the player. Can you please fix it?

Hello sir,
i have just small issue that my billing script giving the money to esx_addon account which means i can’t access the money from your job menu
so how can we fix this ?

hello,Please help, I don’t know how to set the exports. I’m using ars_ambulancejob, everything goes with ox_target and I don’t know how to set them. If you could give me a hand ^^

and in esx_policejob, mechanicjob

Good UI, i like the design of it

Hello Guys ! I d’ont understand why it dont work correctly in my server … : No such export GetSocietyMoney in resource RIcky-BossMenu

any qb version?

how can I find the coordinates of the bossmenus in the Ricky-BossMenu script

Maybe what you should do is look for the trigger in the job script you are using and replace it with the Boss Menu trigger, this way every time you open the menu the Boss Menu trigger will appear.


  • Added exports:

    - AddMoneyToSociety (client side and server side)

    - RemoveMoneyFromSociety (client side and server side)

  • Added possibile to use esx_addonaccount (Config.UseESXAddonAccount)

  • Added marker in the config

The changes are already uploaded to GitHub

are u so post to see players offline as long

over time the arrow goes away i would have to restart script to see it again

have that problem as well


  • Fixed marker problem (job error)

The changes are already uploaded to GitHub

pls do qbcore too!