[RELEASE] Forza Horizon 4 Minimap

For those running 2k monitors and have the mini map not aligning with the nui. Stick this in the client.lua

local w, h = GetActiveScreenResolution()
if w > 1920 then
    SetMinimapComponentPosition('minimap', 'L', 'B', posX-0.17, posY, width, height) 
    SetMinimapComponentPosition('minimap_mask', 'L', 'B', posX-0.17, posY, width, height)
     SetMinimapComponentPosition('minimap_blur', 'L', 'B', posX-0.17, 0.022, 0.256, 0.337)
     SetMinimapComponentPosition('minimap', 'L', 'B', posX, posY, width, height)
     SetMinimapComponentPosition('minimap_mask', 'L', 'B', posX, posY, width, height)
     SetMinimapComponentPosition('minimap_blur', 'L', 'B', 0.012, 0.022, 0.256, 0.337)
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The blips and everything work well in my case, but the waypoints are getting out of it… any idea ?

I’ve got the same issue as d22tny, waypoints are going beyond the minimap. Any advice?

Is there an option to mask the waypoint as a map? So I don’t want that waypoint to go out of the Screenshot_3 map?


How can i bring healthbar becouse i need it


I have a question , people with window mode , the circle isnt center

do you know how to remove the miles on the minimap?

bro can you do for window mode ? thanks

is there a way to remove white background

did you fix that?

anyone knows a fix regarding the waypoint going out of the map? thanks

Need help

Any one Knows how to fix this ?
every time i Join the server this Happens but when i restart the resource then it works Fine.
thanks in advance !

@Akkariin Any way you can fix this

as it happens when i first join and if i restart the script it fixes it self and then it looks like this

try to write in the end of server.cfg
restart foldername

did you figure that out?

Also could you send these lines of ur code? my minimap is so scuffed

SetMinimapComponentPosition(“minimap”, “L”, “B”, -0.0180, -0.030, 0.180, 0.258)
SetMinimapComponentPosition(“minimap_mask”, “L”, “B”, 0.2, 0.0, 0.065, 0.20)
SetMinimapComponentPosition(‘minimap_blur’, ‘L’, ‘B’, -0.015, -0.010, 0.252, 0.28

Now I have found a solution to our problem!
At the top of the code add

ESX = nil

and before …RequestStreamedTextureDict(“circlemap”, false)

  while ESX == nil do
    TriggerEvent('esx:getSharedObject', function(obj) ESX = obj end)

It will then load the files after the player loads everything

I like the drift points you have, do you plan on putting out a release of it?

Thanks :slight_smile:

did anyone found a solution?