[Release] Flatbed w/ working bed

Fantastic work again my dood!

Cleaned up topic, please go cause ruckus somewhere else.

Sorry. I was joking around then people have to take things literal. But yea I didn’t mean to cause a ruckus in this chat. Sorry @glitchdetector and thanks @Syntasu

That’s so dope. Great for mechanic RP.
Great dev work as always @glitchdetector

Is it on purpose that it spawns with Police livery sometimes?


Yea. That’s like the impossible made possible lmfao!

I’ma put this vehicle to use with [ESX+VRP] The Auto Repair Shop [RELEASE] [V1.5][1/16/2019]

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The source of the model is literally the first thing in the OP, and yes, it does come with an LSPD livery for some reason

Thanks good job m8

Sweet thinking about putting an LAPD livery on :sunglasses:

+1 for the scripts, but there is a problem with your flatbed when u a far away from it y can only see the bed.

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Really cool resource! Thanks for your work!
I have questions: is it working with bikes?
If yes, is it possible to put two bikes on the bed on it or only one?

when i get out i dont see the white thing

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dude that is so sick

Amazing work mate its Great for rp. Only problems i have noticed are

The truck will disappear if you get to far away from it but the bed will still be visible. Change the lodDistances.
Also If the truck de spawns the bed will stay in the same place floating with no truck

this problem can be easily fixed by changing the LOD distances in vehicle.meta :wink:

Looks nice can it be used for FX Servers?


Yes, it can. As for this is a Stand Alone script.

Okay thanks for your help.

No, problem.

Only issue I have is the bed not deleting. And got single early eighteen when I deleted a tow truck and spawned another one and tried to use it.