[RELEASE] fizzfau-simeonjob

Same as GtaOnline Simeon missions.
Simeon gives you a vehicle model, you need to find it among the cars in the game. (the script does not spawn the car needed)
When the desired vehicle has found, transport location will be marked and you have to deliver the car to the npc there and complete the task.
Desired vehicles, locations to deliver, types of ped characters, etc. everything can be configured from the config file.

Preview: fizzfau-simeonjob - YouTube

Download Link: GitHub - fizzfau/fizzfau-simeonjob

Requirements: ESX



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This is pretty nice. Thanks for sharing

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Looks nice

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Amazing, thank you for share!

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Not to sure what is going on here. The only thing I did was change the reward and the location you take the car to.

It errors when I deliver the car.

Config = {}

Config.Locale = 'eng'
Config.UseGcphone = false -- use it false otherwise it writes error blah blah to console it will be added soon
Config.Marker = {type = 20, draw = 15.0, r = 255, g = 0, b = 0, x = 1.0, y = 1.0, z = 0.5}
Config.Reward = 750

Config.Notify = {job="police", chance = 100, remove = 2} -- remove is notify blip's remove delay (minutes) / remove dakika cinsinden işaretlenen blipin silinme süresidir

Config.Blip = {use = true, sprite = 120, scale = 0.8, colour = 72} -- set use = false to remove siemon's blip / blip kullanmamak için false yapın

Config.Speech = {speech = "Generic_Thanks", param = "Speech_Params_Force_Shouted_Critical"}  -- siemon ped doesnt talk i dont understand but other peds can talk

Config.Limit = {use=true, max = 3 }  -- max is the maximumtaking mission count per day
Config.Cars = { 

Config.Simeon = {x=696.69, y=-1013.14, z=21.79, h=85.78}

Config.PedHash = -1064078846 
Config.PedHash2 = `s_m_y_xmech_02`

Config.Locations = {  -- delivery locations
   -- {x = -1169.17, y=-1999.46, z=12.20, h = 50.0}, --
    {x = -100.09, y=-1805.77, z=26.9, h = 245.0}  

Can you please try to replace this:

local pedvehicle = ESX.Game.GetClosestVehicle(coords, 5.0, 0, 71)

to that:

local pedvehicle = ESX.Game.GetClosestVehicle(coords, false)

at line 71 in client.lua

That worked, thank you.

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Hi. Do anyone have the right sql for using the limit feature?

error mythic notify ??