May 19, 2017, 10:48pm
So, after searching the web and game files for a long time, I realised that there must be no native way to get the missing window back in place.
Therefore I made this modification to add the glass and the collision to Simeon’s car showroom.
I have included the call to RequestIpl("shr_int")
in client.lua
to make it ready to use. (47.7 KB)
So yup, this is finally fixed!
PS: This is the first time I do this kind of modification. I have learned a lot and did it the cleanest I could but it may not be perfect.
doesn’t work
The window is here but I can cross it
FIXED: it work, I think it was the cache folder (delete it)
But at the beginning the window was here and I could cross it
i don’t know
Thx for you fix mate it’s nice, but can you do the same for the Oneil’s ranch, it’s buged for me, and same for Trevor’s home. Or tell me if there is a way to do it :D.
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I already fixed these ones and a few more
Fix holes in the map
The purpose of this script is to fix the holes in the map by loading zones that aren’t loaded by default.
I’ve added quite a lot of places to load, based on Mikeeh’s script.
As of v2, the plugin has been rewritten from scratch.
You can customize barely every story mode and purchasable interiors from your resources.
If you just want to enjoy a hole free map and have access to DLC interiors, the resource itself is enough.
But if you want to customize interiors (bikers cl…
Oh DAAAAMN, you genius :D, like we got same mind haha, nice work i’ll try it now, thanks for your job mate it’s awesome.
June 15, 2017, 9:30pm
Dude… You just gave me an idea.
Can you take this, add an image over it (JPG) and create custom in game advertisements?
June 15, 2017, 9:42pm
It is possible to create brand new models and textures for GTA V, so yeah this is technically possible ^^
1 Like
June 15, 2017, 10:03pm
Let me know if you’d like for me to test this theory on my server.
There’s no need for replace files, just enable the props!
EnableInteriorProp(GetInteriorAtCoordsWithType(-38.62, -1099.01, 27.31, "v_carshowroom"), "csr_beforeMission")
EnableInteriorProp(GetInteriorAtCoordsWithType(-38.62, -1099.01, 27.31, "v_carshowroom"), "shutter_open")
Or alternative you can enable “shutter_closed” for a closed shutter and “csr_afterMissionA” or “csr_afterMissionB” for demolished interiors.